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Posts: 1121
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Xena stated: source post

That's just your opinion of my behaviour.

Uh, yeah.  It is.  Is the fact that it's his opinion, somehow supposed to undermine his opinion? : P

Posts: 1201
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

but she was there when i was initially banned, for speaking against luna and then proceeded to say that everyone had been banned for spamming, doxxing or posting porn. she's fucking nuts, she seemed to actually believe her own BS

Posts: 605
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Inquirer stated: source post


Rasserenata stated: source post

Also "explinations"?

It's been a trying couple of hours for him. Have mercy.


You are right. 

My apologies, Turncoat.

Posts: 1201
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

i agree with every word here

Posts: 2658
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Sounds like run of the mill NPD to me, paranoid persecutory delusions serving to make her feel the center of attention and important, also a hint to a sense of guilt, probably for stroking her autistic sons cocks on her lap knowing they wouldn't snitch on mommy for fear of getting the hose again :P

Posts: 1121
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

It's not just this episode.  Xena has shown signs of it, intrinsic to her personality, for as long as I've known her.  Her thoughts seem utterly disorganized, she makes very loose associations between unrelated things and then gets unrelentingly hung up on them, she's downright hostile about being accused of having any form of mental illness, she creates an immediate impression of a situation and seems literally incapable of processing information to the contrary, and she's clearly highly paranoid.  I mean, she honestly believes that anyone who disagrees with her is secretly plotting against her with a member of another forum, that most people here don't even know.  (So many times during arguments with Xena, I've heard the question "What's a wooster?". lol)  On top of which, she believes that everyone is so well versed in minute details of her history, that any sign of confusion at her tangential ramblings is a ploy.  That's highly disordered thinking, and as someone who's been living with a schizophrenic for about a year now, it seems to me to fit all the markers.  I'm not saying this as a slight against Xena, if anything it explains her behaviours.

Posts: 192
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

LOL! That bloated corpse is still haunting the site?   Someone feed it a dick, quick! 

It's like Zombie Apocalypse /series 4


Posts: 3645
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Uh... yeah.

Turncoat is not a doctor and neither are you.

Only a doctor is qualified to dx mental illness.

Posts: 380
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

She's a hoot and attempts to make every situation about her or tries to have the most spotlight.

Please, please don't get her started on the trolls from PF.

Posts: 2358
Is Xena Schizophrenic?

Yeah, merely the breezy vicissitudes of a rampant bunch of ne'er-do-wells.  Tomorrow will be someone else.  It's really not worth addressing the misconceptions.

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