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Posts: 34

I am 29 now. I deal with a lot of empaths. Of course my relationship with all of them is fake. I just act like an actor and because of that I feel the only sane person around. I have done this during my entire life. What I really think when dealing with empaths and their boring jokes is that when it will finish already.

Because of 29 years interacting with the world, I feel an inner loneliness. I need at least 1 good behaved sociopathic partner.


I wanted to know if you feel the same loneliness and how you deal with it. Sometimes I just feel like throwing the mask off and commit a serious injury.

Posts: 904

I need at least 1 good behaved sociopathic partner.

Good luck with that! Maybe you should check out my dating thread.

I wanted to know if you feel the same loneliness and how you deal with it.

Spending time alone, but doing productive stuff during my me time. Go out to the gym, take yourself to dinner, do things you enjoy but do it without being "on". Recharge while you have a good time. 

Find people you don't need to feel so "on" with to hang out during times you want to be around people.

Posts: 9

Scamming rich Indian and Chinese investors with fake webdev projects and making em buy stock bubble shares for 1000$ then when they drop to 10$ be like "lol dunno why" helps me with my loneliness.

Posts: 2358

There are maybe about four people on the entire planet I'd ever notice absent and miss at all.  I'm not lonely nor do I get lonely.  I prefer solitude.  I get the whole "not fitting in" perspective, blah blah.  Whereas it seems there's some social need in people, even the narcissists and psychopaths and so forth, I simply have none.  The amount and level of human interaction I engage in most of the time is more than enough.  Anything approaching a desire for social participation I get equates mostly as a means to alleviate boredom, once in a while.  That wears off quick enough and everything settles back into its welcome state of detachment.

So, I guess I'm saying I probably have little to offer anyone who suffers loneliness.  We'd be from two different planets, really.

Posts: 10218

Look for some cynics, they come in a variety of flavors.

As for loneliness, yeah, I get it pretty badly. Insomnia makes for a lot of alone time, and enough of that has a way of getting to you. When I'm by myself it's like I don't feel anything, time stops meaning anything, self-appraisal stops mattering, it's empty. Motivation goes out the window after so much of it.

With others around, I can focus on them, learn more about them, enjoy unraveling the mystery that is them. The facial twitches, their habits, how they come to the conclusions that they do, the beliefs they have, what they do and don't know, how they respond to me, every little detail has a way of occupying my attention and distracting me, while by myself there's only me... and I bore me. There's no game when I direct it at myself anymore.

Having pets helps, but the lack of depth has it not fulfill everything that I can get out of an interaction with a person.

Posts: 755

TC, do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert, if either fit at all?

Posts: 1201

do you have pets mr turncoat, sir.

Posts: 755

Interesting. I would not have thought of you as being so curious about others irl. To me, you have come across as very detached from others in the past. 

Posts: 10218

I have plenty of people I see now, but that hasn't always been the case.

Posts: 1201

you have pets?

re: alone time, are you getting out of the house often enough? even at odd hours, maybe to go to the store or whatever? that can help with feeling too detached or out of it.

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