The men getting raped in jail alone, is a higher number than women being raped in all the US.
"you mentally abused me for preferring to be single."
That's going on the quote thread, Tiny. That is so messed up.
For the 5th time, you're not using feminist logic. You're using whiny bitch logic. Those whiny bitches you quote are not feminists.
And for the 800th time, I prefer to be single too. Like duh.
Sigh and double sigh as I read this...
There are clear biological differences between males and females, which also extends to an individual's neurology. Key word here being "individual". Even within genders, there is a HUGE amount of variance between individuals. While gender plays a significant role in an individual's development, the contribution of societal expectations for males and females is often a major contributing factor.
Every single individual is different than any other individual. There are no two who are identical. Even identical twins, who share a genotype, will have different experiences leading to variances in gene expression and thus different phenotypes.
The male/female debate in Western culture is out-dated and often times absurd. This is true for both extremes of this argument. It's the skills and capabilities of the individual that matter most in terms of achieving success.
In terms of being able to do anything a man can do... Sure, why the fuck not? But I'm going to do it differently because I likely have different innate skills, capabilities, and body structure than a man. It's not inferior and is even an advantage at times. It's just different. Similar as how anything I do is going to be done differently than another woman, because I have different advantages and disadvantages. This holds true for anyone.