someone missed my point and had to bring out her big girl username to argue
dead lol
i meant the only way 20% of college girls are getting raped is if you count all the ones who get drunk and have sex as rape
neither is fair.
not every person in prison is guilty or violent. even the violent ones deserve no more punishment than prison itself (and often dont deserve that)
as far as her working on playboy channel... are you trying to slut shame because she disagrees with your viewpoints? classy
First of all, it's really not a matter of which one is more 'fair'. But for what it's worth, in my country a massive percentage of people in prison are there for offenses that aren't really that offensive, like smoking/selling weed. That said, I took your comment (perhaps mistakenly) to imply that when people are raped in prison, it's not as bad a thing because it's a form of punishment for whatever they did to go to prison in the first place. To that I would say that no one deserves to get raped, no matter what kind of offenses they've committed. I would also add that perhaps inmates doing time for the crimes you mentioned, like shooting people, are are more often rapists themselves than on the receiving end.
Nope. She's pampered and has no clue what it's like to work for a living, let alone get raped.
You're the one who used the word 'slut' Not me.
Don't put words in my mouth, kid.
You're the one yammering how every woman who gets raped must be a drunken whore.
You. Not. Me.
Nah. I think a majority of guys who get it in prison are wasted sluts who fuck to pay for their crack addiction.
They're just crying rape bc they're ashamed of what sluts they are xP
jk. Just pointing out how stupid those arguments are when they're used against women.
I'll listen to your case for prison rape victims if you can get me some links with stats.
From a proper source. Not from some Playboy Channel cupcake.
I want to be able to look up the original source's CV when I'm done reading the stats s/he provides.