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The response I expected from a online coward. 

You have two choices Ed.

1. You admit your a coward, verbally or non-verbally 

2. You prove to me IRL. That you are who you say you are.

I have nothing to gain either by fighting you.

If you come at me like a man i'm going to treat you as such.

Posts: 1386
The Me Show

I'm more speculative of women because I know the power they have over men. A good confident woman can bring down the toughest man.

The power of the pussy, is not a myth

Posts: 696
The Me Show

I think Tony is threatened by women.

If he wouldn't agree to that verbatim, perhaps he'd agree that he believes women hold a privileged position in society, that they routinely make use of "feminine wiles" to advance themselves at the expense of men like himself, and that, rather engage in casual sex with him, they'd (his words) "rather own my ass".

What I find most interesting about this is that his concerns also manifest in a textual environment. Our identities on this forum are letters and numbers, a sum of ideas, underpinned by an avatar and a pseudonym. As a result, we're all forced to project a degree of information upon other users. Tony has projected onto me (and other self-identified females) his idea of a woman (based upon experience in the real world - a catalogue of informational cues that all humans use to quickly and succinctly categorise data).

Tony's oftentimes fraught relationship with females might have something to do with expectations (I can't remember exactly where, but he's previously suggested that it is a woman's role to "love men"). When they fail to meet his expectations, he is threatened - as we all are - by the unknown, the as-of-yet unclassified. 

That's my interpretation, anyway XD

Posts: 191
The Me Show

(("How conscious/self-aware and in control of your narcissism would you say you are

Any attempts to repress it?(and if so what was the outcome of said efforts)"))  


To answer the first question, I'm very aware my degree of narcissism, simply because I have people following suit and calling me one, so I'll evaluate my own thoughts and look at it from the outside, as though I were looking at the behavior from someone else. To be frank, no one calls me a narcissist except those who are told I'm one, I'm definitely not an NPD. I can show you the moment Ed labeled me a narcissist, and it was a time he was having a hissy fit. After that day, the whole forum insisted I was some crazy narcissist. Fast forward to today, a whole new set of members, meanwhile Ed paved, and continues to pave the way for this belief that I'm this narcissistic villain. He's been out to get me for awhile, with no real rational explanation, doesn't that say anything ?

About the "arrogant" labels I get. It's all really a matter of how I respond to being psychologically ambushed. I stand tall where others would be on the floor, so this makes me out to be some deluded arrogant tyrant, when really, it has to do with good mental health. If I'm on the floor kicking and screaming, they wouldn't be call me arrogant, and victory is theirs.  

To answer the second question. My advice to others who are trapped in an irrational cyclone, often entails accepting defeat from others, or just letting go for the sake of finding peace, and moving on to better things and just letting the self be wiser. Sometimes we loose, and it's not worth wasting time trying to fix something just because the ego demands justification. For me to do this is very easy, so I wouldn't exactly call that repression.



Posts: 2485
The Me Show

"I have no intention of you finding out my identity"

I realize that was to whoameye, but I'm responding anyway.

People have their pictures and full name posted all over Facebook and other social media sites and here you are worrying about your identity as though your life depends on it.

Why are you so paranoid over your identity being known? Are you worried someone will hunt you down or is it more the fact that someone will discover everything you've said about yourself is just one big lie. That you're just some old, fat dude with arthritis pretending to be a 20-something year old kickboxer.

Posts: 2485
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Bullshit. I think he just doesn't want anyone to know he's not what he claims to be.

Posts: 191
The Me Show

(("whether he's parroting something else he heard or he truly understands this..that was what i found to be accurate."))


It's just basic common sense. After all it's crystal clear to you, and even more so when we're older.


((ok, 'getting away with it' implies you were doing something wrong, which wouldn't be the case if you were defending yourself. and why do you only seem to be boasting about doing it to women? do you think you react harsher toward females? you seem angrier at haart than ed which makes little to no sense..))


"Getting away with it" implies no consequences, such as getting swarmed by white knights, or being eternally exiled over it. My harshest "reactions" (key word) were on males, but that doesn't really matter to me.



Posts: 5426
The Me Show

Given plenty of reasons why I'm guarded here TK.

I think the more perceptive people here figured out that I don't like dishonesty, and the reason you know so little is that I'd rather keep my mouth shut than lie. Ask anyone who's asked me stuff I didn't want to share here. They got a "sorry I won't say" from me, even when lying would have been a more convenient way out of it, without frustrating that person and making them distrust me, or feel distrusted.

Posts: 10218
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I think he worries more about the potential it has to ruin his real life reputation.

Posts: 1259
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"I never said people are stupid for not believing what I say. If I think someone is being dumb, then yeah, I'll probably say it, but it's never "believe me or else you're dumb""

My point was that you have a habit of acting as if you're better than other people, and it's not only done as a form of defense.

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