The Bush Admin rope-a-doped the Obama Admin into handing over obscene amounts of corporate welfare first, tho. That's what I take issue with. The Obama admin said "Here's the money you were promised," to the Big 3 auto mnufacturers "Now go rebuild Detroit with it." They took the money to China and Mexico. I vaguely remember smthg about GM trying to make another go at maintaining their operations after the other corporations moved. But they couldn't do much.
That's kinda like giving a welfare mom money for groceries and winter coats for her kids and then seeing her piss it away at the pub, imo.
And the unions were not greedy at all. I'd have to look up the exact numbers again, but they agreed to HUGE paycuts. Huge. I think some of them lost over 25% of their pay. It all amounted to shit, tho. They all lost their jobs shortly thereafter, anyway. I was in a homeless shelter with people who got canned 2 years before they were supposed to retire. With a few people who went through the whole layoff and repossession cycle. Hard times, man.