It is nice that you instantly disagreed with me and pointed out the corrupt data.
Then immediately backed up my claim that mass society is broken. Solutions could be found but are not wanted by those able to choose them, hence, broken.
Your own view is even more corrupt than the corrupt data to which you're referring.
John B Calhoun proposed some interesting solutions to the problems you've mentioned. Greedy people don't want solutions, tho. The rich assholes on top want the flawed system to stay exactly the way it is bc people tend to generate more profits when around 20% of the population is a bunch of miserable scapegoats.
An interesting thing about that study: It proved that an overpopulated community can't sustain itself, even when there is no shortage of resources.The Great Detroit Exodus is a good real world example of how petty greed will undermine a community until it collapses.
Welcome to our little Sink Hole. If you're not already crazy, you will be by the time you decide to leave this place. :D
It proved that an overpopulated community can't sustain itself, even when there is no shortage of resources.The Great Detroit Exodus is a good real world example of how petty greed will undermine a community until it collapses.
Greed on both sides. The Unions did themselves in. Outsourced the work as paying the exorbitant rates of the Unions and thier costly walkouts made them too expensive to to bother with.
Reading the posts of sociopaths, or those disposed to make a claim to be in the club, is hilarious. As the status of being a sociopath carries an inherent need to be superior and logically correct, the swapping of each individual's input negates its own use. If every tree in a forest was given consciousness, then used this gift to claim it was the best tree in the forest, then all inferior trees were removed, there would be no forest. The whole forest would have to be cleared as every tree believed the others to be inferior, the best tree did not exist, for how can every tree be the best? There might be a tree that actually is better than the rest but it would still need to go, due to the fact that every other tree believed it to be a lesser tree than itself. Sociopaths, every single one of them, the self styled best person in society, yet intrinsically rejecting that society and arguing furiously with any other person that shares their beliefs. In order to assert their interpretation of this belief is the best one possible, huge debates rage about the same ideology, expressed in different ways.
The dance goes as such...... I am the best sociopath..... no, I must correct you, for it is I, not you, that is the one true sociopath... no, I have killed people to prove my sociopathic supremacy... well I have killed five people... I killed twenty people yesterday, before breakfast... hang on, aren't we all pathological liars, have you really killed people? Probably not, perhaps I got carried away in my 'bestness' there, if I am honest, which I am not, so let's all agree this forest of sociopaths is made of all the best trees and get along as a harmonious biodiversity of supreme beings who enjoy manipulation, acting, enjoying our own cleverness, rejecting a society we feel is broken and generally creating mayhem.
Society is broken, mass gatherings of people, millions upon millions in the same geographical location does not work. For examples of this, look at any place on Earth where this is happening and is working, when not one place is found, which will be the case because mass society is a broken concept, proof has presented itself. Given the irrefutable evidence that putting millions of people in the same place was an idea that humans tried, yet an idea that has failed and does not work, is it any wonder that some of these people have realised this? If a sociopath does not care about, respect or follow any rules of the society in which they live, this person is seen as defective somehow. I would like to share my opinion that this would appear to simply be an advantageous quality, if the theory that mass society is a failed experiment is true. With the staggering amount of fact based evidence available to any person that researches this subject, there can be only one real conclusion, when human beings attempt to live in groups of millions, it never works, never can and never will. Hello sociopaths. Perhaps you are displaying a natural and normal response to a set of very unnatural circumstances? Maybe all the chaos, suffering and disenchantment created by these mass groups goes against the very nature of human nature, an animal best suited to small, self sustaining cooperatives of tightly knit communities. One's with low enough numbers for every member of that closed society to know the values and merits of the individual members of the whole, not forced to comprehend the anonymous millions around them, all fighting for the same space, money and jobs. A member of this small community recognises the real worth of their tribe, a person living in a big city has to put up with the daily onslaught of idiots and exploiters that only seem to have one purpose, to get in their way.
Perhaps the sociopath is not highly evolved, as they might believe, perhaps they are closer to archaics natural instincts, have witnessed the stupidity of living in such vast conurbations, understand this can never work as this trial run has shown and are simply aware that reverting to small groups is the only solution. Given these observations why would anybody wish to adhere to the rules of something so obviously broken and unviable as mass society? Maybe, psychologists and psychiatrists of the world, given that the science that you study has been conducted after the formation of mass society, your conclusions regarding what is healthy and normal are based on corrupted data, gained from test observations in an unnatural society that is far too large to allow natural or normal human interaction. It is my suggestion that to find the present living conditions of the global community are unliveable is a perfectly normal reaction to this massive mess that has been forced upon me. I do not feel the need to be cured of my condition because I truly believe that mass society is one giant catastrophe and I wish to have as little to do with it as possible, for that presents true madness, the insanity of pushing this broken machine forward. Take a look at the world as it stands, this does not work, life bares no connection with nature, yet a human being is a part of nature, then forced to live apart from it in huge numbers. I wonder if this departure from what actually makes a human being able to gain a healthy and stable mental outlook is the real reason for the vast numbers of mentally unbalanced people. It also begs the question, is a sociopath an unwell individual or could they actually be correct? Survival of a species in the natural world does not rely on feeling sorry for defects of that species, they are not supported, they die. A lame cow is not given crutches by the herd and hoof fed, it dies. Modern mind science is based on modern life, modern life is broken, this makes any diagnoses of mental illness only accurate for the time in which it was observed. The time, or society, in which it was observed appears to be the cause of the problem, in most cases. To be alive among this diabolical failure and accept it, in my opinion, is the true essence of insanity. I believe any person who finds it difficult to do so is having a natural reaction. Sociopaths are merely hyper aware of the fact this whole set up is a farce and refuse to comply to any rule it enforces, as to do so would be madness.
Consider this, the accuracy of modern mind science, the fact that every diagnoses of a mental illness or antisocial personality has been based on observations of people living in them. All very recent. How long have human beings been around? Quite a while. So how can there be any accuracy in this work, if it based on an experiment of living as part of a system that simply does not work? There can be no accuracy, less than two hundred years of corrupt data against a backdrop of over a quarter of a million years of the evolution of our current species. I find it difficult to assimilate myself as an unwell person with a disorder when presented with the infancy of this science and the very real failure of mass society in which this science was born. This is why I believe that I can claim some gravitas in what I have been told is a defect. Life has become a game, one in which following all the rules does not give you a chance to win, there are no winners in this mess but a sociopath is making the best of things to create a separate rule book to follow, to ensure their own life is worth living.
Of course they bailed out. That is the only sane option.. Problem being, one needed the other more than they realized. And when the supply was gone, it all fell apart. In some cases, worse than could be have been envisioned, and quite the fall out.