I almost always score the same as you. So I stopped taking the tests. It looks to coerced for me to post my results. I can just observe your results. It's easier
Fromm's Orientations Test Results
Scores from 12 to 24 are low
25 to 36 low medium
37 to 48 high medium
and 49 to 60 high.
Eysenck Test Results
Extroversion (sociability) | |||||||||||||||||||| | 84% |
Neuroticism (emotionality) | |||| | 14% |
Psychoticism (rebelliousness) | |||||||||||||||||||| | 81% |
This test reflects the ideas of Hans Eysenck a pioneer in the field of personality research. Through research and statistical analysis he determined that personality is composed of three main elements: Extroversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism. Most current researchers agree on the significance of the first two traits, but there is less consensus on the third (so he may be wrong about it's central importance but it clearly plays some role in personality). Most people will score lower on Psychoticism. While Psychoticism implies more negative qualities than the other two traits (typically), a link has been found is several studies between higher creativity and higher scores on Psychoticism.
Here are your results on each dimension:
Extroversion results were very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Neuroticism results were very low which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Psychoticism results were high which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.
Prior to Eysenck's discovery of Psychoticism, he correlated his original two traits (introversion and neuroticism) with an ancient greek personality system known as the Galen types (Melancholic, Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic). Below is a plotting of your introversion and extraversion scores on that map.
I just kinda picked this picture bc the expression is most like me? Some I really agree with, some I really really don't
FELV (Borgia)
[1F] First Physics: FELV is a very realistic and materialistic type. They appreciate the comfort and tranquility of living more than anything, indulging in any physical aspect of the world. FELV sometimes gives the impression of a very relaxed person (yet lazy) as they can easily and effortlessly adapt to any kind of settled affairs in surroundings. Therefore, FELV will behave in a very reticent manner if someone is trying to persuade them to look at the non-hedonistic aspects of life and show them that the world isn’t all about comfort, ownership and luxury.
[2E] Second Emotion: FELV is exquisitely emotional and treats the darker areas of life with care; even to the point of accepting pessimistic and ironic perspectives. They show a good ability to laugh at themselves if something goes wrong and loves various material pleasures of life. However, they will often find themselves masking their true feelings to make others feel better, while occasionally forgetting to completely take care of themselves emotionally. Though, they possess a great concern for helping others (along with themselves too) and are very adaptable to emotional changes in the surroundings
[3L] Third Logic: FELV unfortunately is publicly careless and possibly even foolish in respect to rules and regulations. They also perpetuate naive behavior, act very strange or even silly, especially if it puts the other person in a better mood than before. They personally want to believe what they want to believe, even if the ideas are not generally accepted by society. After all, they do not live by the wisdom or philosophies of a book. Their own sense of the material world, is primarily built on the FELV’s knowledge from personal experience.
[4V] Fourth Willpower: FELV is a very soft and patient character that gives the impression of a follower who can easily oblige to the orders and directives of others. If they demand something and do not get any response in return, the FELV will not be bothered by this; they can endure. Because the FELV lives on the principle of “Come what may.†The typical phrase of the FELV: “Nowhere had anyone had shown interest in the fate of an innocent man.†This demonstrates the tendency of subordination that the FELV has, they can obey the willpower of external circumstances and easily submit to their future without a second thought.
50% Wolf, 50% Lion
Both tigers and wolves are territorial animals which represents your commitment to protecting your space and those in it. Anyone who threatens your safety is in big trouble! In addition, wolves are social creatures who travel in packs so when you’re angry, you communicate with those who have upset you in order to maintain serenity among the group. However, just like a lion, you’re not afraid to let out a mighty, intimidating roar when you’re really upset!
What's your mental attitude towards life?
Your mental attitude to life is an even combination of 50% Pragmatism and 50% Idealism. This means that you have an inner split and feel internal conflict when faced with difficult, and a strong sense of balance and harmony in good times. As an Idealist, you take an intellectual and imaginative view of life in terms of ideas. You live in the world of thought and self-expression. This makes you an incredibly creative person with the ability to envision a better world. As a Pragmatist, you ust take in whatever information is useful right now and then move on. The combination means that you approach life from two opposite directions. One one hand you're a serious thinker with lots of creative potential and on the other hand you're a pragmatism that focuses on what's actually possible. Learn to balance these two and you will be very successful!
How high is you self esteem? SO LOW LULZ
Your self-esteem is high and you don’t have an irrational fear of rejection from those around you. The only approval you worry about is your own which is why you are able to handle criticism and disapproval in a constructive way. You know that you are worthy and valuable because you practice self love on a regular basis! Good for you!
Which One Of The 4 Narcissist Types Are You?
The Devious Narcissist
There's no such thing as success without occasionally getting your hands a little dirty, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You believe that it takes real guts to get ahead, and you're willing to put almost anything on the line to make it. You are more intelligent than most people, and that makes it quite easy for you to get what you want out of any situation. And no one can really fault you for knowing what you want and going after it, can they?
What Simpsons Personality Disorder Do You Have?
Mr. Burns: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
You have Mr. Burns' Narcissistic Personality Disorder! So you find yourself fantasizing about success, glory and power, huh? We're not surprised. You also have a tendency to crave special attention and admiration from the people that matter most to you, requesting special favors and holding high expectations for yourself and others. We just want you to know it''s okay not to be the best at everything, and remember, you can share the wealth with your neighbors instead of coveting it for yourself!
What Is Your Game Of Thrones Disorder?
You have Ramsay Bolton's Sociopathy! Holy cow, you are one intense individual, and conforming to social norms is something you steer away from at all costs. You don't like to respect authority or the law unless it's your own, and punishment isn't such a bad thing to you if you're benefiting from it. You are a meticulous planner and remain quite cunning with friends and foe, but your more "shallow" emotions make it rough for you to connect with normal people that aren't quite on your level.
The Mean Personality Test
The Bossy
You're the boss. And by that I mean that people always feel pressured to hang out with you and feel uneasy in your company. You're strong and powerful in presence, but not everything is a challenge, ya know. Sometimes you can just have fun. Do you know what fun is? I thought not.
63% Combativeness, 80% Sneakiness, 59% Intellect, 50% Spirituality
Dashing and multi-talented: You are a Bard!
A decent warriors, reasonable spell-caster, and fairly good at tricking people, the Bard is the jack of all trades. These charming fellows live by their wits, though a sharp blade, a few spells, and some lockpicks never hurt.
Smart, sneaky, and aggressive, you're probably good at most things you try. You don't have much need for spirituality or superstition and are much more likely to live in the here and now... and if you can get some fun and profit out of the here and now, even better.
Machiavellianism Test:
Your score was 91 of 100.
This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not believe in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who Machiavelli would approve of.
Narcissism | 1.7 | 14 | |||
Machiavellianism | 4 | 100 | |||
Psychopathy | 1 | 3 |
You are very good at putting the brakes on
You seem suspicious of anything that could bring about change. Before beginning anything, you examine in minute detail what the consequences might be. And what's more, you have an amazing capacity to foresee and sense danger. You prefer to abandon a project if you realise that it will entail risks. Why do you impose these limits on yourself? It might be that there are things that have gone wrong for you in the past that still haunt you, or perhaps you grew up in a family where there were strict rules. This could mean that you are repeating behaviour learned long ago. You are afraid that if you change your habits, or worse, abandon them, you will break with tradition and risk being unrecognisable to those who love you. Try not to listen too closely to your fears. If you do, you risk convincing yourself that you are incapable of being happy. Make a note of times when you think: 'It's too difficult' or 'I will never manage it', so that you can recognise these negative thoughts. Try not to give in to them. Then allow yourself to explore new things, and focus on enjoying yourself. And keep doing it once you start. If you believe that you can create a future that matches what you want to do, you will be able to see the decisions you have to make in a more positive light.
What personality disorder do you have?
While Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder (OCDP) sounds similar in name to obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder, the two are markedly different disorders. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are overly focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do everything "right" often interferes with their productivity. They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others when they do not live up to these high standards. They avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their time or money. They often have difficulty expressing emotion.
Edit: Huh, hr lines look kind of nice here.
The Dark Triad : http://personality-testing.info/tests/DT.php
The test is complete. Be prudent about sharing your results, the dark triad traits are loaded subjects.
Here is table of your results (scores are between 0 and 4). The percentile is what percent of other people who have taken this test you score higher than.
Trait | Score | Percentile | |||
Narcissism | 3.6 | 88 | |||
Narcissism is an egotistical preoccupation with self. [more] | |||||
Machiavellianism | 4 | 100 | |||
Machiavellianism is a tendency to be manipulative and deceitful.[more] | |||||
Psychopathy | 4 | 100 | |||
Psychopathy reflects shallow emotional responses. [more] | |||||
What personality disorder do you have? : http://www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm?obj_id=185816
What personality disorder do you have? Antisocial A common misconception is that antisocial personality disorder refers to people who have poor social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead, antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a lack of conscience. People with this disorder are prone to criminal behavior, believing that their victims are weak and deserving of being taken advantage of. Antisocials tend to lie and steal. Often, they are careless with money and take action without thinking about consequences. They are often agressive and are much more concerned with their own needs than the needs of others. Antisocial personality disorder appears in 3.6% of US population, or approximately 7.6 million people. The disorder is nearly four times more common in men than in women.
You are always acting on impulse
You are running at full tilt. As soon as you decide you want to do something, you go for it, full speed ahead. You are daring and full of innovative, even far-fetched, ideas that you are determined to make happen. You're the sort of person who would leave everything behind to follow the person you loved and make a life elsewhere. Perhaps you believe that life is of no interest unless it's peppered with risks. There's no doubt that the people you know admire your energy and courage, especially those who wouldn't tackle half of what you do. Others, meanwhile, might see some of your projects as out of control; and you do sometimes take a tumble. But you soon pick yourself up and dust yourself off, ready for a new challenge. Why do you live like this? Perhaps as a child you felt under pressure to be the best? Or perhaps you overestimate what you are capable of? If you insist on seeking new challenges at every opportunity you may at some point come up against a brick wall that will force you to ask yourself some difficult questions. So why not step back now? Are any of your activities a kind of attention-seeking behaviour? You have so much going for you, make sure you don't run yourself into the ground.
What personality disorder do you have?
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by self-centeredness. Like histrionic disorder, people with this disorder seek attention and praise. They exaggerate their achievements, expecting others to recongize them as being superior. They tend to be choosy about picking friends, since they believe that not just anyone is worthy of being their friend. Narcissists tend to make good first impressions, yet have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships. They are generally uninterested in the feelings of others and may take advantage of them.
Narcissism 98
Narcissism is an egotistical preoccupation with self.
Machiavellianism 91
Machiavellianism is a tendency to be manipulative and deceitful.
Psychopathy 82
Psychopathy reflects shallow emotional responses.
The Dark Triad : http://personality-testing.info/tests/DT.php
Trait | Score | Percentile | |||
Narcissism | 2.9 | 57 | |||
Narcissism is an egotistical preoccupation with self. [more] | |||||
Machiavellianism | 3.7 | 92 | |||
Machiavellianism is a tendency to be manipulative and deceitful.[more] | |||||
Psychopathy | 3.7 | 92 | |||
Psychopathy reflects shallow emotional responses. [more] | |||||
How impulsive are you? : http://www.psychologies.co.uk/tests/test-how-impulsive-are-you.html
You are always acting on impulse
You are running at full tilt. As soon as you decide you want to do something, you go for it, full speed ahead. You are daring and full of innovative, even far-fetched, ideas that you are determined to make happen. You're the sort of person who would leave everything behind to follow the person you loved and make a life elsewhere. Perhaps you believe that life is of no interest unless it's peppered with risks. There's no doubt that the people you know admire your energy and courage, especially those who wouldn't tackle half of what you do. Others, meanwhile, might see some of your projects as out of control; and you do sometimes take a tumble. But you soon pick yourself up and dust yourself off, ready for a new challenge. Why do you live like this? Perhaps as a child you felt under pressure to be the best? Or perhaps you overestimate what you are capable of? If you insist on seeking new challenges at every opportunity you may at some point come up against a brick wall that will force you to ask yourself some difficult questions. So why not step back now? Are any of your activities a kind of attention-seeking behaviour? You have so much going for you, make sure you don't run yourself into the ground.
What personality disorder do you have? : http://www.youthink.com/quiz.cfm?obj_id=185816
Your result for The RPG Class Test ...
74% Combativeness, 87% Sneakiness, 41% Intellect, 39% Spirituality
Violent and deceptive: You are an Assassin.
Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't.
Skulking through the shadows... hunting their prey without remorse... Assassins are some of the most dangerous killers in D&D, and evil bastards to boot.
You're not necessarily evil, but you are both violent and sneaky. Chances are you aren't very honorable. Though who knows? You might have some noble goals, even if your methods tend to be... unorthodox. You might just be a Slayer of Domiel or something.