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The Test Thread

Your mental attitude to life is an enlightened combination of 50% Spiritualism and 50% Stoicism! Those who have this inspirational combination of Spiritualism and Stoicism strive to give their lives consistent emotional meaning and a sense of harmony. You look for higher meanings or universal truths that explain the world at a deeper level.. Spiritualists and stoics, like you, make sense of life in whatever way brings greater comfort and joy – this usually means believing in esoteric ideas which gives life a higher meaning. “I believe everything happens for a reason" is something you often think and say. The Stoic in you refuses to allow any experience of life to disturb your inner peace and calm. 

Your most positive attitude aspect: tranquillity (regarding life experiences in a way that maintains inner peace and calm).

Posts: 2358
The Test Thread

"What is your mental attitude to life?"


80% Realism, 20% Cynicism


Your mental attitude to life is a strong combination of 80% Realism and 20% Cynicism. Those who have a combination of Realism and Cynicism, take a wilful and action oriented view of reality. You view life in terms of hard facts that can be acted upon. You have a down-to-earth, solid, evidence-based attitude that makes you highly intelligent. Realists, like you, like to turn their experiences into “actionable knowledge”. This means that you look at all the facts to find the most plausible explanations and reasonable predictions. The cynic in you challenges non-facts; you refuse to be misled by bogus claims and superstitious nonsense! 

Your most positive attitude aspect: Perceptiveness (making justifiable assessments, based on evidence).

Posts: 2358
The Test Thread

"Which one of the 4 Narcissist types are you?"

The Amorous Narcissist



Beauty is pain. You are seductive and alluring, and you draw people in with your natural charm. People can't help but fall prey to your wiles, and that is how you outwit and outmaneuver them at every turn. You've broken your share of hearts over the years, but it's not your fault that people get twisted around your little finger with such ease. And after all, if you got it flaunt it, right?

Posts: 2358
The Test Thread

This one was a bit of a surprise...

"How High Is Your Self-Esteem?"

Your self-esteem is soaring!



Your self-esteem is high and you don’t have an irrational fear of rejection from those around you. The only approval you worry about is your own which is why you are able to handle criticism and disapproval in a constructive way. You know that you are worthy and valuable because you practice self love on a regular basis! Good for you! 

Posts: 2485
The Test Thread

This is a test that n0ki linked in chat. Another RPG class test, which I think is interesting. So, hate it, like it, who fucking cares, just take it:

Posts: 605
The Test Thread

1] Well, when it's true, it's true.

100% Kitten
The truth is, you don’t really get angry at all. It’s just not your style. Sure, things might upset you now and then, but you’d rather just snuggle up and cuddle than get angry and lash out at others. It’s important to remember to stick up for yourself, so don’t be afraid to let out a mighty roar like a fierce feline!
2] 50% Spiritualism, 50% Stoicism
Your mental attitude to life is an enlightened combination of 50% Spiritualism and 50% Stoicism! Those who have this inspirational combination of Spiritualism and Stoicism strive to give their lives consistent emotional meaning and a sense of harmony. You look for higher meanings or universal truths that explain the world at a deeper level. Spiritualists and stoics, like you, make sense of life in whatever way brings greater comfort and joy – this usually means believing in esoteric ideas which gives life a higher meaning. “I believe everything happens for a reason" is something you often think and say. The Stoic in you refuses to allow any experience of life to disturb your inner peace and calm.

Your most positive attitude aspect: tranquility (regarding life experiences in a way that maintains inner peace and calm).
3] Cinnamon Roll
You are NOT a sociopath!
What were you thinking? That you are actually a sociopath? You are one of the most sweet, brave and helpful people out there!
You love other people, you always help others, even at a great personal price, and you always (well, almost always) have a smile on your face.
So what are you still doing here? Go and take one of those "What kind of chocolate are you" quizzes!
4] Your self-esteem is soaring!
Your self-esteem is high and you don’t have an irrational fear of rejection from those around you. The only approval you worry about is your own which is why you are able to handle criticism and disapproval in a constructive way. You know that you are worthy and valuable because you practice self love on a regular basis! Good for you!
5] You're not a narcissist!
Sure, we all love looking at ourselves in the mirror, and we tend to get a little boastful when we're doing really well in life. It's hard not to get carried away when things are on an upswing. But even if you find yourself reveling in the occasional compliment, you're hardly a narcissist. You have compassion and kindness in your soul, and you relate to others as your equal. There's nothing wrong with recognizing the special gifts you have, as long as you take it all with a grain of humility.
6] Anti-Social Personality Disorder
You have Bart's Anti-Social Personality Disorder! You may have a habit of disregarding right from wrong and in return break the law here and there, but you usually counteract that with your charm and wit in order to stay out of trouble. You're not to keen on work responsibility and authority really bugs you, especially since you prefer to avoid stressful situations that could cause you agitation and the need to react violently. As long as you make an honest attempt to learn from your behavior, you'll be just fine!
7] Obsessive Compulsive
You have Arya Stark's OCD! You may suffer from recurrent thoughts, impulses and urges that are motivated from past experiences, but even the most disturbing events in our life justifiably leave an imprint. Allowing your mind to constantly reel around the same train of thought can give you a bit of stress and anxiety, but you find an expressive outlet whether it's an action or a ritual. You may have a repetitive behaviour like Arya's "Kill List" recital, or maybe something a bit more unspoken. Just be careful, any obsession can become extremely time consuming!
I love her!
8] The Pretentious
Your constant quest for inner meanings and attitude of self-superiority is super annoying. If you keep following your gut, you'll follow it off a cliff. Another thing, stop thinking that all your little ideas are related somehow. They aren't. Sometimes things exist on their own in this world. Not everything has a deeper meaning and there is no solution to life. Stop acting like a wise guru and start taking action. Seriously, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Posts: 3882
The Test Thread

95% Shark, 5% Goldfish


When you get angry, you’re like a shark that smells blood; you’re ready to attack! While you may have an intimidating presence when you’re mad, you know how to execute confrontation in a calculated manner. There are times, however in which you’d rather settle disputes quietly and swim through life without making scene, just like a goldfish. 


You're not a narcissist!


Sure, we all love looking at ourselves in the mirror, and we tend to get a little boastful when we're doing really well in life. It's hard not to get carried away when things are on an upswing. But even if you find yourself reveling in the occasional compliment, you're hardly a narcissist. You have compassion and kindness in your soul, and you relate to others as your equal. There's nothing wrong with recognizing the special gifts you have, as long as you take it all with a grain of humility.

Posts: 676
The Test Thread

Haha. You are all speechless in the presence of my awesome test scores. :P

Posts: 31
The Test Thread

reposting these

Posts: 158
The Test Thread

1. What Animal Are You Like When You're Angry? -

50% Wolf, 50% Lion

3. Can You Pass The Sociopath Test -

You ARE a Sociopath!

5. Which One Of The 4 Narcissist Types Are You? -

The Devious Narcissist

There's no such thing as success without occasionally getting your hands a little dirty, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You believe that it takes real guts to get ahead, and you're willing to put almost anything on the line to make it. You are more intelligent than most people, and that makes it quite easy for you to get what you want out of any situation. And no one can really fault you for knowing what you want and going after it, can they?

6. What Simpson's Personality Disorder Do You Have? -

Anti-Social Personality Disorder

You have Bart's Anti-Social Personality Disorder! You may have a habit of disregarding right from wrong and in return break the law here and there, but you usually counteract that with your charm and wit in order to stay out of trouble. You're not to keen on work responsibility and authority really bugs you, especially since you prefer to avoid stressful situations that could cause you agitation and the need to react violently. As long as you make an honest attempt to learn from your behavior, you'll be just fine!

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