For me it's small things, I can only think of 3 times where I lied. Caught stealing when I was a child and I blamed it on an imaginary bully, and I never got away with it. Valuable life lessons we learn from young. If I don't want someone to know something, and they come to me for information, I leave out details and end the discussion. Some call that lying but I beg to differ.
On topic, someone close to me turned out to be a pathological liar. Myself and some others put our heads together about this person we know, and truths started flying to the surface. The reason we were discussing him, is because he could potentially be facing some time for pulling some fraudulent schemes.
I mean for years, he lied to his family and friends obviously with the intent to make himself look better than others, it's been noted that he's the jealous type and at times his reactions to that would be blunt and impulsive. Though everything would seem to be in the past, years later people he knew would question the people he lied about when they finally meet, as though they were programmed to be resentful, or taught to dislike who "supposedly was forgiven". It's something else. In short he'll take people who respect him, and turn them against people he's wronged, in one case he turned an entire family against someone he lied about, and they still project disdain for the innocent person.
Now it seems just about every lie he told is surfacing, and it's so harsh, he may end up in jail, a potential divorce, and lose friends and family. While his fraud investigations are being processed, everyone is talking behind his back and learning about him.
An example. We stayed somewhere afar, the persons place where we stayed, the host was so hospitable, they insisted we don't even need to pay them and we're welcome there anytime. The host was generously paid anyway. The liar told us the host was insulted and EXTREMELY furious that we rewarded them money for allowing us to spend time at their residence. The host is someone who really thought highly of the liar. A member of the party who stayed at this place, contacted the host and apologized for making them upset. At that time the host was terribly disappointed, while they had to shed light on the matter. He also tells people his Mother broke his nose which is why it's shaped funny, but his own siblings dispelled that myth.
That's just 1 of endless examples that's unfolding on the compulsive liar right now, though 1 lie isn't all that effective, countless lies are, and they are popping up and doing some real damage to this guy along side the fraudulent investigations on him.