I'm fashionable :3
Can't help noticing how our collective "intimate" score is entirely in the low ranges. Especially amusing and appropriate considering the tests description of potential flaws of the low scorers. "Refusal or inability to see others perspectives/needs." That pretty much sums this place up. A fairly balanced mix of inability and refusal. XD
MOTWV (healthy): thinks they are perfect; more dominant than submissive; prefers to live a life of luxury; thinks they are more capable than most people; more likely to be physically strong; makes themself the center of attention; content; positive; status seeking; graceful; has less of a soft side than average; more likely to be tall; makes decisions easily; decisive; rarely worries; does not like taking orders; demands attention; does not let others make decisions for them; is out for their own personal gain; considers themself good looking; will not let themself be used; believes they are important; less affected by the suffering of others than average; believes they are better than others; driven; more likely to exercise every day; knows where their life is going; not easily moved to tears; always knows why they do things; even in a long term romantic relationship their welfare/feelings are more important to them than their partners; unaffected by other people's happiness/unhappiness; likes looking at themself in the mirror; feels life has meaning; does not like to apologize; thinks they are special; feels comfortable around people; does not tire out easily; likes having authority over others; does not like to be bothered with the needs of others; knows what they want; good at saving money; looks at things from multiple angles; likes to challenge others; thinks they are talented at influencing others; does not skip difficult works when reading; always knows what they are doing; demanding of others; fashionable; has a high opinion of themself; talks mainly about themself; likes to be complimented; more likely to use others for their own ends; more likely to have been in a physical fight; not happy doing mindless work; does everything they say they will
Historic example(s): Fictional example(s): John Goodman (Big Lebowski) Personality type correlations(s): |
XOEWV (healthy): content with their life, positive; does not worry about things that have already happened; motivated; likes to play tricks on others; challenges things; have a lot to contribute; danger seeking; does not let themself be pushed around; less likely to regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; would be fine with being considered odd or strange; likes to travel; capable; does dangerous things; less fearful than average; worries less than average; has a bright outlook on the future; does not feel guilty when they say no; does not care what people think of them; likes to joke around; dislikes routine; not easily intimidated; excels at things; rarely feels shame; likes happy people; not resigned to fate; breaks rules; does not let themself be used; likes the unknown; rarely feels guilty; has lot of fun; does not do what others want them to do; does not find it necessary to please the people who have power; does not follow the crowd; has a good imagination; feels comfortable with themself; pays attention to their needs; finds it easy to stay healthy; not avoidant; can stand confrontations; does not feel crushed by setbacks; not afraid of many things; doesn't care what others think; able to do things properly; not afraid of doing the wrong thing; not easily discouraged; does not stick to the rules; does not enjoy being though of as a normal mainstream person; likes looking at themself in the mirror; more likely to uses others for their own ends; not easily frightened; don't mind asking for favors; does not dwell on the past; they people they care about the most make them the most comfortable; does crazy things; usually happy; likes to be the center of interest; does not expect things to fail; thinks they are an extraordinary person; doesn't let others discourage them; does not like to take orders; does not get physically ill when things are not going their way; can put their ideas into practice; comes up with bold plans; prefers going to movies to watching videos at home; enjoys the thrill that comes with fearful situations; admires a really clever scam; if they don't agree with someone at a meeting they speak up regardless of the consequences; tells others what they really think; values emotional comfort over attraction in romantic relationships; believes they are better than others; faces danger confidently; skilled in handling social situations; rebels against authority; can put people under pressure; not particularly generous or helpful with others; thinks they can make anyone believe anything they want them to; confident; able to deal with things XOEWX (average health): has trouble following the rules; danger seeking; less likely than average to believe in god; less fearful than average; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; capable; does not follow the crowd; does not stick to the rules; believes that they are better than others; dislikes routine; rebels against authority; does not do things by the book; hard for them to stay in love; less affected than average by the suffering of others; thinks less about the future than average; does not like to take orders; resists society's rules; avoids responsibilities; challenges things; does not let themself be used; breaks rules; disregards rules; enjoys the thrill that comes from fearful situations; likes the unknown; not easy to fool; less likely to respect people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; more likely to use others for their own ends; more likely to misuse power; not easily moved to tears; does not sacrifice themself for others; has secrets; more likely than average to abuse people's confidences; puts down others proposals; does not avoid philosophical discussions; continually loses things; thinks less about their decisions than average; frequently makes fun of people; doesn't let others discourage them; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; not afraid of many things; more likely to have bad manners; less moved than average by others misfortunes; goes to far with jokes; has a lot of fun; does not let themselves be influenced by others; more likely to make enemies; seldom concerned about the possibility of failing when trying something new; does dangerous things; more likely to cheat to get ahead; less likely to regret their behavior if they took advantage of someone impulsively; not safety conscious; faces danger confidently; more likely to forget appointments; puts their feelings/welfare first even in a long term relationship; doesn't care what others think; makes decisions quickly; does not apologize a lot; not resigned to their fate; does not let themself be pushed around; thinks its possible that existence is meaningless; not easily intimidated; more selfish than selfless XOEWD (unhealthy): have/had conflicts with authority-figures, bosses, teachers, etc.; got in trouble a lot in school; more likely than average to smoke cigarettes; more likely to have bad manners; more likely to have attacked someone physically; more likely to abuse people's confidences; often late to things/work; prone to feeling life has no meaning; danger seeking; use others for their own ends; less likely to regret their behavior if they were to take advantage of someone impulsively; more likely to have murderous ideas; more likely than average to have cheated on people who have trusted them; doesn't care about dressing nicely; does not analyze the reasons for their actions; rebels against authority; does not inquire about others well-being; prone to hurting people; disregards rules; cheats to get ahead; deceives people; does dangerous things; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; has secrets; is unaffected by other people's happiness/unhappiness; not easy to persuade; prone to getting others to do their duties; enjoys the thrill that comes with fearful situations; tends not to respect people with strong ties to organizations, groups, family; can waste money; gets out of control; doesn't bother to make an effort; more likely to hang up the phone on people; more likely to misuse power; has a dark outlook on the future; more likely to enjoy being out on a sailboat during a storm; does not try to follow the rules; thinks most politicians are corrupt; not usually happy; makes enemies; finds it difficult to tell whether something really happened or whether it occurred in their imagination; forgets appointments; less likely to believe in god; thinks it's possible that existence is meaningless; not in the mood for anything; feels like they are falling apart; avoids responsibilities; resists society's rules; more likely to tell tall stories about themself; dislikes routine; does things out of revenge; did not enjoy school; more likely to scheme against others; more likely than average to be on medication; feels that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; frequently makes fun of people; neglects their duties; keeps people waiting; not a planner; does not do things by the book; not a fan of happy people; more likely to believe people are essentially evil; does not like to be bothered with others needs; goes too far with jokes; does not believe that others have good intentions; would not bother them if they never had kids; easily frustrated or irritated; does not fulfill their duties; complainer; does not feel that work is an important part of their life; not easily influenced; likes to travel less than average; has less of a soft side than average; can be unsympathetic; experiences longer periods of sadness or depression than other people seem to; breaks rules; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; does not behave in a way that is acceptable to society; has a couldn't care less attitude; can put people under pressure; puts down others proposals; puts little time and effort into their work; more likely to believe religion is foolish; does not do a lot in their spare time; does not hurry their work; does not stick to the rules; more selfish than selfless; thinks they are unable to do things properly; dislikes working; frequently reinvents themself; gets suspicious when someone treats them nicely |