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MOTIV Personality Test

Ya'll fucking gaslighters.

I am Eeyore, according to this.


It doesn't even have a description. The only thing that it says it's that it fits under "Unhealthy". What a rip-off.

Edit: I went to the SXTXD one, since my W is pretty close to the 50% anyway. This one has a description... Pretty accurate if I do say so myself.

SXTXD (unhealthy): more private than outgoing; more reserved than social; likes to celebrate birthdays on a small scale with only one or two close friends or family members; if they had to choose, they would prefer a weekend with absolutely nothing to do to one with too many things scheduled; lies to avoid attention; very private; likes to stay under the radar; much more likely to enjoy spending time by themself than with others; motivated by the desire to avoid attention; has a low sex drive; more likely to believe that once race of people is better than others; poor sense of humor; often puzzled by sensations in their body; not really interested in others; worrier; does not like to bothered with other people's needs; does not care about being the center of interest; not open about themself to others; likes being away from civilization; thinks they are not a special person; doesn't understand things; believes they are unable to do things properly; more likely to have had the feeling that other people have injected thoughts in their mind; more likely to dislike new foods; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; dislikes being complimented; not skilled in handling social situations; often feels blue; worries about things that have already happened; more likely than average to have murderous ideas; not in the mood for anything, unmotivated; disturbed by events; more likely to have been in physical fights; avoids contacts with others; plain in their appearance; picky about food; would describe their experiences as somewhat dull; does not consider themself attractive; cares less than most about dressing nicely; tends to believe people are good or bad (black and white thinking); discloses their intimate thoughts; prone to feeling that friendly people are actually trying to manipulate them; rarely late to things/work; has trouble changing their behavior to suit the situation; more likely to be mistaken for being younger than their age; does not warm up quickly to others; tends to avoid eye contact; tends not to be good at sports; prone to hating people; does things for no apparent reason; more likely to do things out of revenge; tends not to relate to other human beings; prone to feeling that life has no meaning; hard to persuade; less likely than average to remember their dreams; believes that laws should be strictly enforced; has bad luck; unlikely to cheat to get ahead; makes lists of things to do; daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness; has a low opinion of themself; more tolerant than average of doing mindless work; can let themself be pushed around; expects things to fail; feels they are unable to deal with things; tends to put work above pleasure; tends to find fault with everything; embarrassed by praise; not wasteful with money; likes routine

Posts: 580
MOTIV Personality Test

Now I want to take this test

Posts: 3882
MOTIV Personality Test

This one too, i seriously have that issue, even when my mouth is shut. This is next level

 "frequently experiences dry mouth when they wake up from sleeping"

Posts: 3882
MOTIV Personality Test



Your MOTIV type is SOTWX 
Your MOTIV+ type is so|T|Wx 
Your Primary type is Thinking 

SOTWX (average health): their need to be appreciated by others is very low; doesn't look to others for acceptance; tries to cheat others; more likely to be a racist; prone to hanging up the phone on people; does not understand people who get emotional; indifferent to the feelings of others; does not let others discourage them; talks about their worries; thinks that people who are stupid enough to get ripped off usually deserve it; more likely to have attacked someone physically; has little to say; does not often think about how they feel; feels comfortable with themself; enjoyed school; experiences few emotional highs and lows; more likely to believe too much tax money goes to support artists; not concerned with making a good impression; takes a lot to make them feel frustrated or irritated; got in trouble in school; less affected by the suffering of others; hard to persuade; not easily moved to tears; doesn't care about dressing nicely; likely to believe that religion is foolish; has secrets; excels at things; can stand on their own; does not care what others think; does not doubt that most politicians are corrupt; more likely than average to have a gap between their middle teeth; does a lot in their spare time; has less of a soft side than most; does not believe unfortunate events occur because of bad luck; thinks less about sex than most; not easy to fool; doesn't care what people think of them; could be happy as a hermit; unaffected by other peoples' happiness; rarely notices their emotional reactions; does unpleasant tasks right away; does not follow the crowd; does not spend a lot of time on the phone; does not echo what others say; not easily talked into doing silly things; does not make themselves the center of attention; can stand being alone; not easily impressed; tends to rule with an iron fist; challenges things; embarrasses others; does not copy others; some of the goals they seek are not possible based on current human knowledge; more likely to try to control people than to try to please people; not easily discouraged; is not often late; good at saving money; starts tasks right away; hurries their work; comfort is more important than being enthralled in a romantic partner; puts down others' proposals; does not need others to calm/sooth them when they are upset; does not express their affection physically; gets back at others; not easily influenced; likes to test people's loyalty; remains calm under pressure; does not enjoy being part of a loud crowd; has read the literary classics; would rather be friendless than jobless; does not play the pity card; can do without the company of others; does not like to be bothered with other people's needs; does not enjoy being on the go; less fearful than average; does not find examination of their feelings useful in solving personal problems; seldom bothered by the apparent suffering of strangers; capable; puts a lot of time and effort into their work; does not feel weak; values comfort more than attraction in a romantic partner; does not feel guilty when they say no; not easily frightened; believes there is never an excuse for lying; does not demand to be the center of interest; frequently experiences dry mouth when they wake up from sleeping; does not let others make the decisions; can be hard to reason with; is able to pursue one goal for a long time; does not enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person; makes decisions easily; has a couldn't care less attitude; does not sacrifice themself for others; speaks briefly and to the point; seldom stretches the truth; fulfills their duties without complaining; always prepared; had selfish parents; believes they are better than others 

The parts I disagreed with, I put in bold text, otherwise it is oddly accurate

Posts: 3246
MOTIV Personality Test

This test maker is a fucking genius.

Posts: 3882
MOTIV Personality Test

its surprisingly true

Posts: 3246
MOTIV Personality Test

"more likely than average to have a gap between their middle teeth"

How did this end up in a personality profile!?

Posts: 5426
MOTIV Personality Test

What can I say, the description fits in general. Some statements overestimated the narcissism in my case because of what I do ("You work hard for your appearance" etc).

Posts: 10218
MOTIV Personality Test

I think she meant that you had the highest vital from being the only person to actually score a V (other than Mee apparently).

Those names though, I can see how they could try to call those "Healthy". Look at how they behave, the comfort they express even after they've hit a breaking point psychologically.

Posts: 2485
MOTIV Personality Test

Ah, I see. Fair enough.

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