Go to hell. I like bright colors and I like this jacket. It's a piece of art. So go fuck yourself. It seems to be the only thing that you're good at doing. You are definitely not good with fashion decisions. This coat has been sold out of several stores and I had to search quite a few to find it finally. It is very popular which means that many people like it and don't think it looks childish at all. This coat is pretty and bright. I like bright, loud-mouthed colors. That does not make what I wear childish.
"What the hell are you talking about when you say match?"
The jacket reflects warmer colors while the pants not only reflect a cool color, but do so in a overly demanding way that overpowers the design to the point of clashing. You'd be better off with darker pants or some basic blue jeans that both match the owls and supplement the purple at the bottom of the jacket so that nothing steals the attention from the owl design that's meant to be the centerpiece of your outfit. As is, those pants would be a challenge to pull off even with a simpler top, likely requiring the use of black or white for most of it to not have it interrupt other parts of your outfit in a displeasing way.
Attire tends to look better when showing two colors (not including shades or a successful torso centerpiece design with a single color serving as a muted background to let it pop more). Instead there's the red and purple that'd work somewhat well together if not for the owl design. If the entire jacket were one color with that owl at the center, it'd probably look a little more aesthetically pleasing, or if the owls weren't there at all it'd have more room to work through red and purple being supplementary colors. On top of that, the repeated design takes away from the focus it was meant to have, instead making it look like some sort of gaudy wallpaper striped across the center as an afterthought.
"The coat definitely matches itself and the snow pants match parts of the blue feathers."
It still is an attire with a color scheme that reflects little rhyme or reason behind it.
"And I thought I told you to go fuck yourself and stop bothering me."
You expected that to work?
Going through life only wanting to talk to people who agree with everything you say sounds awful. Did you expect someone here to approve of the attire you posted?
I do agree that the snowpants might take away from the owl design a bit, but I chose these snowpants because they bring out the colors in the owl design, resulting in the owl design being brought out more than it was. There are a lot of colors going around, but there is nothing wrong with that. The colors all bring out the main design, they don't take away from it. About you going and fucking yourself- I thought that your life passion would be much more important than this stupid argument.
"It's a piece of art."
Everything is art.
"This coat has been sold out of several stores and I had to search quite a few to find it finally. It is very popular which means that many people like it"
All that proves is that a lot of people have bad taste.
"I like bright, loud-mouthed colors. That does not make what I wear childish."
Actually... it kind of does. Adults tend to wear more muted colors while children wear crazy colors with louder imagery, usually to try to be more noticed. Among the both of them, they'll also usually try to go for colors that actually match.
I feel like a fucking realism artist being persecuted for new ideas in style. Guess what, this generation doesn't give a crap about your clothing style. We invent our own. Now go hang out with the old people and chain smoke while talking about the good old days. I don't have time for this. I'd much rather be doing something else.