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What are your thoughts on redefining racism? They redefine racism to keep whites in control.

The liberal left IS A PROBLEM.

EDIT: I can see while you don't agree with all of my arguments, you agree with many of them. As you stopped quoting and arguing against them...?

Posts: 1581
The Debate

I agree that white supremacists are sometimes reverse politically correct, but the majority of PC comes from liberals.

Posts: 10218
The Debate

"What does this stand for?"
Public Relations.

"... I meant black on white racism. They're claiming it will never exist."
There's more than enough groups out there to find a collection of like-minded individuals around almost any claim. Just how there's groups that claim it will never exist, there's also those who exist that claim it does. Generalizing that the majority conform to a single view is misguided when there's so many areas people can subscribe to with even more variations, sub-genres within each niche. Even if a study shows a higher tendency towards one area of thought than the other, time offers the potential for that to change, and likely does already when compared to the past.

From most of those I've met "of color", they didn't rag on me for being a white dude and they were fully aware of their own demographic's louder views on race that they didn't necessarily match themselves. They aren't necessarily a small niche within as you'd quickly try to write them off as being, but they also aren't going to make as much of a fuss from being more comfortable with the life they were given as someone who is more openly offended and prone to pushing the race card from having lead either a harder life or a life of modeling off of their folks. As elements of difference between people begin to bleed into each other and become more trivialized, as the races claims to power taper out from mistakes being made to set a precedent and from economic problems balancing across the board, racism, while it may never go away entirely, will weaken overall much like aspects of sexism and homophobia are fading more and more with the passage of time.

"Which definition of racist are you using?"
One where you're seeing races as demographics instead of fellow human beings, one where you choose to generalize and live in fear of it instead of see that there's more to people than that. You fear black people from being "louder", you have this impression that they're putting white people down, and from it it's slowly blinding you towards the areas where white people are succeeding harder than the rest. Look at who dominates most positions of power within business and government. We're better off than we were, but there's still room to do more in the effort of balancing things out.

"All in all, Fox News is for racial equality."
They're for the presentation of racial equality where the position that white people hold will never change. The liberal agenda meanwhile aims to have everyone change in favor of everyone being on an equal mid-ground.

Both are misguided in their own ways, but neither really aims to see races as equal in the short term. To reach equality, the median line has to be found and "equality" itself must be truly defined. As is, it's more like a teeter totter where the white people weigh a bit more than the others, where the historical background serves to tip the scales in our favor while others are seen as "lesser" outside of their own racial background, even by those who themselves aren't necessarily white. If white people are truly on a path towards becoming an oppressed people, then we'll have to hit that point first to have any real sway, as otherwise it just looks like bitching from the demographic that's passively succeeding the most.

"The liberal biased sources are for PoC getting special treatment."
You say "special treatment", I say "tipping the scales towards a balance". You have to start somewhere or things will instead remain as they are. With how much already weighs against treating "PoC" as equals when it comes to the law and the courts, they ought to be having an uproar of some kind, as without protest there won't be any change.

So you're not going to bother with the "for the sake of argument" portion?

Posts: 1581
The Debate

I agree. I can see the anti racism movement go for tolerance and equality. And then I can see them doing some really mean things once they have the power. I believe toppling an old power structure will make a new one. This is what's happened with anti racism. I believe that could happen even with something like political correctness. I have seen neo NatSocs get really offended over the word 'Nazi'. Yet many conservatives deny reverse political correctness could exist.

I believe some PC is OK, but just a little.

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