A few friends, and I would want to throw myself out of a plane during a pretty sunset
Who can you trust
"What worries you most about the future?"
Nothing. I live in the here and now. I rarely give the future much thought.
"what is your fantasy for the perfect world"
One where I rule supreme and you're all my slaves.
Well, not all of you. It would be boring if I had no enemies to fight.
"Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? Why?"
I'd rather not be able to make new ones because I wouldn't want to have to learn everything I know again, like a baby.
"what is your greatest fear"
I have no fears.
"Uh, what is your most valuable possession"
My life.
"What's the most sensible thing you've ever heard anyone say?"
To me? "You're right"
"What would your heaven be like?"
Tough question. That will require more thought.
"Do you think I asked a question?"
"What do you do to lose track of time?"
Lots of things. I'm not very time conscious.
"Who are you voting for this year"
I don;t live in the US, but if I did, I'd vote for Trump.
"What is important enough for you to go to war over?"
Any genuine threat on mine or my daughter's life.
"Who is your love"
"Coke or pespi"
"If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?"
If more teenagers learned to make their own sex toys, they might fuck them instead of fucking each other. The world doesn't need any more idiots in it.
"Do you like rain"
Occasionally, yeah. I like laying in bed listening to it.
"Where does your inspiration come from?"
Serial killers.
"What's the nerdiest thing you like"
I'm not into nerdy things.
"Is it more important to love or to be loved?"
Neither. Love is for stupid people.
Would you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?