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Dropping masks

Posts: 1231

Oh dear, I always drop a mask or two when I'm acting...

Posts: 2658
Dropping masks

I remember dropping it intentionally a few times to watch the horrified and angry reactions of the people I am exposing myself to, I mostly do this while I am about to discard them though, it's wise to follow with a smear campaign so they don't ruin further huntings for you

Posts: 138
Dropping masks

Do you do it in private or in public? has it ever happened accidentally? 

Posts: 138
Dropping masks

Under what circumstances have you dropped or almost dropped your mask in public? Please be specific, sad situation, stress, etc...

Posts: 1231
Dropping masks

Sadly, I have to be actually pushed very hard into enacting anything genuine.

Those fuckers (sorry for the curse, those fuckers tend to be good people) that get that, are obviously the people that are the closest to me, but gosh jolly, do they ever get overcompensated at finally understanding my humanity and the lack of it.

Posts: 138
Dropping masks

lol... I bet nobody notices though, how about more noticeable instances? A moment of shock, stress, sadness, or what? 

Posts: 3882
Dropping masks

I don't wear a mask(despite the avatar references)

I don't like the complications that come with it and see them outweighing the rewards. I am who I am around everyone and anyone unless the situation warrants something else. It's a very blunt, inflexible and rigid approach but it keeps things simple and honest, two virtues I've come to enjoy very much.

Posts: 846
Dropping masks

I would say that I do not wear a mask. I tailor my behavior depending on the environment and people with whom I socialize. I choose which qualities to reveal to be as much me as possible without getting looked at as if was a psychopath or something. Not everyone digs dead baby jokes, etc. Nevertheless, aside of suppressing some traits, I am pretty much alike in most environments, although there are traits which I only have for particular environments (minor adaptations to other people's preferences and so on).

Gory topics are quite common whilst chatting with people whom do not restrict themselves with a moral compass whilst being with me.

Posts: 138
Dropping masks

One thing is acting (performance) and another is keeping a facial posture (mask), if you're not acting nice and caring, what's your posture/facial expression like?

Posts: 131
Dropping masks

Acting all nice and caring gets tiring so I don't do it anymore.

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