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I went to bed...  I really did. But I woke up, just like now 0:) Don't you worry about my sleep though. I am going back to bed again. I'll get my rest :)

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People are hypocrites everyone is.

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Hey, meatballs. My name is Juan, and hatred each only of you. You are fat, slowed down, ningul no-lifes that spends every second of its day that watches stupid pictures of the ass. You are all bad one in the world. Honest, anyone of you have never obtained kitten? I mean, conjecture it's the diversion of a that is reflexed ming of people to its own insecurities, but you everything take a new whole level. This is even worse than moving of a pull extinguished to the pictures in facebook. Don't is a Foreigner. Hardly golpéeme with its better shot. I'm rather much perfect. It was captain of the starter and football team, in my equipment of basketball. What sports you play, except "he raises with the cat extinguished people" Japanese drawn naked? Also with himself A' rectum; s, and has a hot fiancee of I strike (she finishes blowing to me; The excremento was SO effective). You are all the meatballs that must as soon as be killed. Thanks to listen.

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===Golden Rule of Selflessness===

Think of others the way they want to be thought of.

===Golden Socio===

Any socio who currently has the desire to practice the Golden Rule of Selflessness.

===Golden Agenda===

Raising public awareness of Golden Socioism and possible socios who may have a lot of influence over the general population. While supporting golden socios in general.

===Golden Agent===

Anyone who currently desires to practice the Golden Agenda.
It's perfectly fine to just be a golden socio and not a golden agent. All socios are encouraged to have the desire to practice the golden rule of selflessness the best they can, before becoming a golden agent.
All non-socios are encouraged to become a golden agent but at the same time are encouraged to have the desire to practice the the golden rule of selflessness the best they can, as a golden socio does.


===Part 1=== CV20193

1)Your mind is like a dark room. Your attention/focus is like a flashlight.
2)Your integrity(boundaries in your mind), are based off of what parents and society has taught you(mostly during childhood). Which was reinforced by normal subconscious functions and natural empathy(emotions). These "boundaries" guide your thought process/flashlight(usually til the day you lose your mind or pass away).
3)”Some people” are short on or have these "boundaries" and natural ability to gain these boundaries like most others. 1-4% of American population is estimated to be like this.
4)Some(mostly socios) look at “these people” as people with “extended free will”(more of a “flashlight” range within their minds due to their exclusive personalities and indifferences in subconscious functions. Ideal for leaders and business men/women. Sometimes they have criminal,violent, or extraordinary tendencies or seem very exceptional at their careers or education. Sometime they are not self aware of being any different than anyone else.
5)While the medical world believes the condition “these people”(socios) have is a variation of personality disorders aka- lack of these " mental boundaries" aka- lack of natural shared emotions aka- consistency of unacceptable social behavior.
6)Socios aren’t all sociopaths. Sociopath is a term commonly used to refer to antisocial personality disorder(a pacific kind of socio). I refuse to believe all sociopaths are unreachable. Some could still have the power(by critically thinking) to reinforce their desires for a meaningful relationships and to practice the Golden Rule of Selflessness (I strongly suggest them starting out trying an intellectual based relationship with a golden socio, someone who understands their nature with an unbiased view). If you have violent/irrational tendencies make it known to others verbally(only verbally) and seek treatment immediately. Do not say threats to others. Express it properly(examples: I feel like breaking your cell phone or I felt like hitting you).
7)It's okay and even encouraged that socios pick up religions to set their morales since they can't naturally form morals like others. My opinion would be a sect of Christianity which is primarily focused on the teachings of Christ from the gospels or Buddhism(since its objection is to decrease natural emotions and increase compassionate emotions which is similar to the purpose of Golden Socioism).
8)A socio in power or in a mature relationship always needs to remember that his/her personality is whatever he/she flashes his/her flashlight on, and needs to remember to focus on the emotions of anyone he/she ever makes decisions about. Thus causing compassioned based emotions within the socio.
9)A position in power is risky for a socio, not for himself but for all the people that are under his/her influence.
10)Society needs to recognize influential socios. And critically think if they are a risk or a proper citizen and encourage them to respect emotions of others. Then society can truly see socios in a new light.
11)Socios are not bad. Only the person behind a socio’s personality can be bad(just like non-socios).
12)Almost every major change in society was started by a socio. That's our gift and struggle. Being able to think outside the box of the current society.


===Part 2=== CV20193

1)Golden Socios in my opinion was Benjamin Franklin(american independence), John F. Kennedy(World Peace), Martin Luther(Catholic errors), Martin Luther King Jr(Equality), and Gandhi(Non-violent resolutions). They all desired to convince society to change based on the emotions of others).
2)Poor Socios in my opinion was Hitler, the pharaohs and high priests of ancient egypt. They all desired to convince the emotional based society to change while ignoring the emotions of others. Like convincing society to build pyramids at the expense of many lives, or wage war on other foreign cultures (holocaust/germany's WW2).
3)Psycho, psychopath, and even sociopath are offensive terms when used in the wrong context.
4)Remember a socio's greatest gift is our positive focus and critical thinking.
5)It's important if a socio attempts a mature relationship with a significant other that the significant other is capable of understanding Golden Socioism or/and the behaviors or habits commonly related with socios.
6)When expressing how you feel, use your strongest tool, your desire… I desire for your emotional happiness… I desire for you to love me… I desire to prove myself to you… I desire to be a honest friend/spouse/family member. Remember to keep your desires of others and self honest and in check.
7)It's important to be self aware of your nature if you are a socio. It feels good once you have become aware that you lack the ability to automatically think similar to the people around you and those who are closest to you and that in fact it's mostly your decision to think the way you do. Your past life seems so much clearer and your future seems more certain. It feels like someone has given the "wheel" of your life back into your hands.
8)We may lack some or all key subconscious abilities(learning from experiences and shared emotions) but we still have a strong consciousness. We can still "artificially" restore some of these “missing subconscious functions” by using our strong consciousness(focus and critical thinking).
9)Be mindful using your “personic abilities”(ability to naturally and easily think about how others would react about a situation or action). Don’t use these abilities for manipulations. We show our feelings by practicing the Golden Rule of Selflessness and by honest thoughts and actions.
10)No longer do we need to take advantage of power over those(non-socios) who are just a little different from us.
11)We need to fight our natural urges to manipulate other minds with the proper capabilities, its our job to have the non-socios be aware of our nature.
12)So they can respect and know truly who we are.
13)Show them our intention by our opinions and actions and allow the new "top of the pyramid"(men/women with a positive “natural like” sense of emotions) make governmental/corporational decisions based on all of both, socio/non-socio’s ideas and the majority’s natural positive sense of others.
14)I'm trying to raise awareness of socios and hand the power back over to the majority of the population(non-socios). In the name of true democracy…...
If you have violent/irrational tendencies make it known verbally(only verbally) to others and seek treatment immediately.

This document(Golden Socioism) is intellectual property of it’s author. I encourage the duplication or copying of Golden Socioism(this document). Golden Socioism(this document) should never be up for sale or profited from. Golden Socioism should be publicly free and never used for financial gain.

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What's the hardest part of a vegetable to eat?

The wheelchair

Posts: 678
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An american, a brit and a mexican are on a plane.

The brit throws out a bag of tea, explaining to the confused others:
"We have so much tea in England we can just throw it out!". The mexican
proceeds by throwing a bag of peppers out, explaining "We have so much
peppers in Mexico, we can just throw it out!". The american proceeds to
throw the mexican out of the plane.

"Why did you do that?!" exclaimed the brit. The american turned around. "He killed my wife."


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Posts: 341
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Having been ostracised and branded with the curse of intellect in a society where ignorance is rewarded, I have much to say on the topic of how I regard society's configuration as bête noire.

The repugnant nature of society, it's mutual acceptance of certain social contracts and loathsome view on any outside of conventional societies interests as being deplorable.

My life, so far, has been reclusive and solitary. Even if I do socialise I am surrounded by bumptious and vacuous people that constitute this depraved society, My compellingly disconsolate sentimentalism has consumed me in the same way moths are attracted to a light source. Not an amicabilis Concordia can be established between me and them. Morose and dejection surrounds me.

I see They excessively indulge in acts in which are detrimental to the human species, for that they must indemnify. How sepulchral it has become, how lugubrious.
Woe be unto them all. To dismiss as melancholic is to be ignorant of surroundings, however dour I may become, they're the culpable. THEY are deplorable, doing detrimental acts that are gratuitous and deleterious. Trends are peracute and profligate, followed by sybarite and egomaniacal noxious people.
Note; I am not entirely dismal, I am a very content person within certain realms of interest. I am capable of Love, happiness and laughter. I just do not share it with them! How could I? They are below my eminence. I cannot, for they are are considered as a virus to me. If you truly are a person of this extremely infrequent enlightenment, hearken unto my words and perceive them as truth. They are truth, though the degenerates perceive them not.

Their hedonistic way's encompass within me total indignation, their hedonistic way's consist of detrimental acts.
I advocate Indulgence in life, I do not advocate it in pursuit to fulfill ones Ego via means of appropriating the approval of others as it constructs a society of complete degenerates. It makes them perfidious.

As I were saying, my incongruous way's are not complicit with the nexus of a majority of society. But it seems to be deteriorating, and it fills me with exasperation. It's comprised of people with ostentatious interests and it's utterly pernicious! It just fills me with vitriol! A masses with myopia is one that is vulnerable to complete blindness, blindness is already an epidemic that is constantly infecting others. Some even accept it willingly!

It's not that anfractuous, it's relatively straight forward... Society has a tendency of being monotonous, tedious and mundane. Perhaps created by it's over materialistic views towards life, it's absence of enlightenment in accordance with the poetry of science. This is completely tenable and can be proved
by mere observation.

Society's indifference and content makes me sick!

Conformity is ubiquitous, the society is comprised of people repeating an echo rather than composing their own melody.

This ought not to be, this very way of society must be utterly destroyed! But every generation acts as a precursor, our influence collectively may inundate society to a point in which the next is born. I say to you brothers and sisters who understand the truth I speak...

It's apparent that the very systems that constitute order in society are fundamentally flawed, The education system is a perfect example. It is nothing more than a disciplinary institution to create societal conformists, it's apparent more today than ever before that it's creating ignorance on a scale of Brobdingnagian proportions.

What's considered to be minor punishment of children is turning out to be a method by which they can create conformity, children with common contracts that will merge into common trend that can then be controlled and manipulated.

In this depraved society of degenerates, you cannot trust anybody. Not one person.
Many claim not to, but they do. Becoming a cynic is necessary. I have become an abnegate, Persecuted for such a supreme perspective... The rarest perspective In existence. I talk about things that matter, not for ego gratification like the masses but for Righteous crusade, and use of my intellectual compass.

The many are conceited, inundated by Folly, egomania and myopia.
They will twist any doleful Story to seek approval from peers in conquest for a savour ego gratification. This can be a story as dour as a child's suffering, they use these as a means to appear as 'Moral' in a way screaming "Look at me! I care so much and I am such a righteous person please approve of me, I'm doing what everybody else is." Whilst being drenched in ignorance concerning the thing they claim to loathe or love.

With that said, you must awake to the fact it's an infatuation by which they can seek mutual approval and by that ego gratification.

It's an epidemic of Narcissism and pretentiousness, Many Psychologists would agree.
This is a very dangerous outbreak, and Narcissism is most apparent in murderers and more so in serial killers. The more one cares about oneself, the less they care about others. And this is the cause for the infatuations, to display to society, and receive ego gratification when they approve of their Machiavellian Statue. They are nothing more than mannequins reacting to external convention, an unscrupulous effigy. Conceit is at an all time high and humility at a low, this is a flaw in society.

I myself am Motley... The masses, however, are sanctimonious, recursive reprobates.

Society holds holistic views, they are not eclectic. They hold gestaltism rather than trying to account for each subjective component that constitute a whole despite our psychological misinterpretations of perceived order and conventionalism.

In other words, They perceive things as being what they immediately see them as rather than trying to view each unit as distinct with other properties.

I abhor them, if I had it in my power I would stop at nothing to reduce them all to shrines of skulls and chalices of Blood. To leave them as Artefacts of a dark past.

I do not want friends. Maybe it's just this pensive dejection that leads me into a rogue state of viscous apathy that creates feelings of limerence, just constant States of reverie and enacting the things you're pensively reflecting.

If I had a gun I do not know the force that would stop me from ending my life, my past haunts me, I find it strenuous to reminisce. It's collapsed, if only the caliginous fog would block the sight of that which haunts instead of that which is buoyant and is helping me to grasp a fresh breath from this constant drowning. If not felo de se, then Slaying. I will slay everybody! I despise the feeling of vexation! To me, there was no halcyon times.

I do not want to be considered inferior, especially not intellectually. I can never be inferior, nor considered inferior in anyway! When one considers me inferior it indeed has dire consequences. It is a great sin to commit, and a severe retribution will follow and no atonement shall be given.

Love, the very word fills me with indignation and envy! I may seem to have a case of petulance, but it's justified by all of the injustice in the world. When they repudiate my disembouge of love and benevolence, it's an injustice and triggers social consciousness, for me to do something about this injustice.

When you pronounce this truth, people call you crazy. This fills me with resentment!
We are all in a prison, a prison of the mind. I don't judge people, but people judge me. "I live a Hundred Years a Day," I became so sophisticated so quickly that I realised I wasn't intelligent, I understood that I don't know everything and that he who accepts this truth is half way to genius. "All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly."

We all share 1 consciousness, but our hearts have been inundated by Hate and prejudice, now it's similar to a radio: we can listen to different things simultaneously by changing the frequency, we need to all tune in to 1 frequency of peace, tranquility, humility and composure.

The earth is filled with diversity, only in humans do we find conformity. I will to destroy countries, they segregate us. I will to destroy religion, it creates antagonisms. I will to make war illegal, to abolish capitalism and all anachronisms such as the monarchy. I want egalitarianism, to explore the universe.

The poor are very rich, the lack of evil and corruptible substance makes them of the few that do not own such evil in abundance. They do not want money, they want change.

I've always found animals to be much greater than humans, humans are becoming a virus to the earth until they comprehend the supreme perspective.

These injustices are not being addressed, and for that they deserve damnation and perdition.

I, the prophet of the carnal and mundane, shall be ruler!
The oppressed shall be liberated!

I have seen those who wear masks, these people are perfidious, capricious, traitorous and mendacious Reprobates! We must detest such people, leave them to suffer!

I feel hollow and desolate, the only thing I feel is a viscous glue encompassing decaying and deteriorating being, I've become addicted to this state.

as I said before, THEY are culpable, I will make them suffer for the suffering they have caused me! It's only fair.

If I had a desire, it would be to be free from desire.

So... We must RISE, and inundate society! A new age of reason will be established!

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Closer to a lack of new people, but I guess that falls under the latter.

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