For WW3
4:07[Niniela] Niniela: Sorry for your shittly life WW3, now calm down please
4:07[WW3] WW3: lol nini
4:07[WW3] WW3: im jealous of ed. very jealous
4:07[ShudderHug] ShudderHug: Like, these are virtual people, ww3
4:07[Niniela] Niniela: I know its sad but true, WW3
4:08[Niniela] Niniela: dammit gets metallica song stuck in head
4:08[WW3] WW3: its sad :(
4:08[WW3] WW3: you're so beautiful!
4:13[Niniela] Niniela: kicks ww3 in the face foot in your brain, u happy now?
4:13[WW3] WW3: :D
4:15[WW3] WW3: nini has brain juice all over her foot