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Posts: 283
The Freightening Truth

No. This seems to be how you expect this to go: You present absurd claim without observable evidence and laugh your ass off while we try to refute it.

What you don't seem to understand is that YOU have the minority-perspective. We already agree that most people are just people, and that people control other people. We don't believe the world is run by reptilian aliens disguised as humans. We are not going to refute an argument that already has no observable basis because that's how logical fallacies are created. It is YOUR job to provide evidence contrary to OUR view. You have not done this. You have only made a counter-claim.

This is the basis of most forum trolls. You are not anything new.

Posts: 15
The Freightening Truth

 Let me get this've said:

"complexified interpretations of largely subjective or, simply, universally unrecognized observations."

You know what that sounds like to me? It sounds like obfuscation of the issue. I've laid my claims clear. What I don't understand is exactly what you're getting at, it looks like you have no aim at all but that of being a contrarion. Bring something substantial to the table.

Posts: 15
The Freightening Truth

Watch the videos I have posted. You will see them in their natural habitat.

Posts: 15
The Freightening Truth

As you can see, I took the time and effort to explain myself. This is as serious as serious gets to me. I've posted archeological evidence for what I've said (video evidence as well), and I said that soon I will have more to say.

What is truly disappointing is how quickly people want to jump something they want to see as absurd. I have seen this on the other forums I have posted on as well. Well let me say this. The weeks immediately after 9/11, if you claimed the government had anything to do with that tragedy, you were a disgusting conspiracy-theorist lunatic. Nowadays, many rational people in the US believe the government played some part in what happened. It goes to show that what the masses consider as 'lunacy' doesn't always have to be that crazy at all.

I expect no less than opposition, though. People are critical of new ideas, and they well should be.

But you are following the same pattern here again. Attacking what I say, without having any tangible points. Once you can actually have points, we can have a discussion.

Posts: 15
The Freightening Truth

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. Ancient civilizations from the Aztec to the Egyptians to the Sumerians have references to extraterrestrial beings. I think it is no surprise the Christians made such references as well. Have you looked up what a Nephilim is?

Posts: 12
The Freightening Truth


by Freedom Fighters Unite

As you can see, I took the time and effort to explain myself. This is as serious as serious gets to me. I've posted archeological evidence for what I've said (video evidence as well), and I said that soon I will have more to say.

What is truly disappointing is how quickly people want to jump something they want to see as absurd. I have seen this on the other forums I have posted on as well. Well let me say this. The weeks immediately after 9/11, if you claimed the government had anything to do with that tragedy, you were a disgusting conspiracy-theorist lunatic. Nowadays, many rational people in the US believe the government played some part in what happened. It goes to show that what the masses consider as 'lunacy' doesn't always have to be that crazy at all.

I expect no less than opposition, though. People are critical of new ideas, and they well should be.

But you are following the same pattern here again. Attacking what I say, without having any tangible points. Once you can actually have points, we can have a discussion.



Sounds like you need to take more drugs.


You could also try reading the Epic of Gilgamesh......


Posts: 191
The Freightening Truth

You fucking wackadoodle. Nobody gives two shits about your crackpot conspiracy theories. The videos you posted are pure garbage and don't really prove anything. The only reason you buy into this shit is because you're a fucking loser who spends all his time surfing the "deep web"(whatever that is), and it makes you feel nice and special to think of yourself as one the select few who knows the truth and understands "how the world really works". That's how most conspiracy theorists are in reality. If you really want to do something then go out and start shooting high ranking politicians in the face, otherwise shut the fuck up and let the rest of us lowely sheep live and die in the ignominy we deserve.

Posts: 285
The Freightening Truth


by jp277


by wahoo


by Inquirer

"Freightening", lol.

 His fear of freight transport is clouding his judgement about aliens.

"Most cargo arrives broken"


 This stinks of the MPM...

Posts: 283
The Freightening Truth

You and I have very different views of what evidence is.

Now, 9/11 conspiracy theorists always make me laugh. I like the magical "exploding thermite" theory, myself. It's totes lulz.

Posts: 15
The Freightening Truth

OK. Well when you can bring up something substantial...a point with some evidence...then we can have a discussion. Until then, you're just another troll. At least there are some other posters here who are intelligent.

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