That is one elegant handwriting. Very clean.
by StayonhereA vertically upright or very slightly leaning towards right handwriting tells that the writer is ruled by his/her head and not by his/her heart. Straight slant is a very positive trait . People with straight slant are always logical and practical in their nature. Emotions don't affect their decisions at all. Writing which is upright reveals self control, confidence, coldness, neutrality, and self sufficiency along with independence.
Yep, That sounds like me alright.
I forget what handwriting analysis says when you right upright like that, Reaper.
Just looked it up:
What does vertical upright Slant of your handwriting Reveals
A vertically upright or very slightly leaning towards right handwriting tells that the writer is ruled by his/her head and not by his/her heart. Straight slant is a very positive trait . People with straight slant are always logical and practical in their nature. Emotions don't affect their decisions at all. Writing which is upright reveals self control, confidence, coldness, neutrality, and self sufficiency along with independence.
I on the other hand slant to the right.
What does Right Slant of your handwriting Reveals
When the handwriting leans towards right ,it shows that the writer is ruled more by his/her heart rather than the head. Right slant writers are generally emotional in nature, are extrovert, expressive, sympathetic. They are open to the world around them and love to socialize with other people.