yes pretty underwhelming, first half was good when valentine michael smith was new to earth and it was about his complete lack of context for everything
but got very poor in the 2nd half once heinlein started using the book to push his own poltical opinions
the lazarus long series is his best
Alien man comes down from space!
Everyboy he's special and has transcended human experience!! Look LOOK at him. He's fucking beautiful. I want to worship him as my saviour.
Ohh I'm a persecuted journalist the government sucks boooo hooo. Ohh look at this weird alien man I am a nurse and I want to take care of him. He will the baby I never had. Here mike let me show you how to tie your shoes. cue 15 pages related to shoe tying
The government is gonna take you away Mikey we gots to hide!! Oh noooo they are here! instant death Mike has super gay alien powers! Holy shit!
We need to take you to asshole Jubal's big slave house! Woah a pool! Holy shit Mike loves the pool. 200 pages related only to Mike's obsession with water
dull... dull ... more droning.... government wants MIkes money that he inherited from his rich parents.....
Mike learns religion and wants his own cult. OOOhhh look at all these beautiful people with beautiful ideas having SEX ALL THE TIME. ENDLESS ORGY SO MUCH SEX YOU'D THINK HE WOULD ADD SOME ACTUAL CONTENT TO THIS.