I'm not a granny. lol
I have like 4 diagnoses including schizoid personality disorder and 2 separate psychosis diagnoses and I believe they all have some truth to them, but I'm very confident that I am a sociopath. I don't want to be diagnosed as AsPD so I don't get diagnosed as AsPD.
whoameye stated: source post
If you want to find out this answer Turn. You will need to word it differently. Most of the people in here, have done there research on sociopathy by now, and they know that most sociopaths do not recognise themselves as a sociopath.
That is why some people in here don't speak or admit to saying that they think they are one. They do this in hopes of convincing others subliminally that they are sociopaths without having to come out and say it.
I will use you and systematic as a example. You two both have taken this, subliminal approach, in trying to convince others that you are sociopaths or even psychopaths. By the way you word your posts.
Every supposedly new person who joins always opens up with the same shit. How they think they might be a sociopath because of there lack of empathy and how they like to manipulate others around them.
To me this is very obvious. But I think to others they are not capable of seeing this. So it turns into a post battle of who reigns superior as a sociopath.
Everyone in here joined this forum for one reason. The name "Sociopath Community". Some have joined in hopes of learning something about this disorder and seeing if they relate at all to the other members who have joined. But I believe most have joined because they have self diagnosed themselves as a sociopath.
It is easier to blame your social flaws on a disorder (sociopath). Than it is to blame yourself.
Defining values (which I made a thread about), keeping a journal of my emotional responses and what I believe caused them, empathy training (consisting of perspective taking and imagining how I would feel in a situation, etc.), learning about attachment styles, doing "nice things" for people in my life, considering consequences of my actions and alternatives to those actions, and harem management (keeping the number at a certain level, not idealizing or devaluing, etc.).
There's a lot of "homework" to it and it can get really frustrating but I've been told I have been making good progress these last few years, especially the last nine months or so that I have really been working at it.
EDIT: And I learned an "empathy formula" for the purpose of showing others that I understand where they are coming from and to valid their feelings prior to making a suggestion. It works really well and people seem to respond to it positively.
I don't know about you or sys... he says he has sociopathic tendencies and he writes as if he does, but he claims not to be.
I quote this more for the why of people coming here. The writer brought up very good points. Many here try very hard to be something they maybe already are or perhaps just want to be... I find it more relaxing to not try... and just be.
I meant no offense with this...