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Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

Turncoat stated: source post

 I don't see why you'd want to have less control in the name of blending in when you could just work on being a better actor.

I personally have had some fun from time to time with conditioning triggers into others when life gives me the room to (typically in the form of making them more comfortable with violence). I did give an ex of mine a tickle fetish gradually overtime by pairing tickling with oral for instance, and when she noticed when it was too late she gave me such a lashing.


You can achieve a certain grade of control by building borders. And chosing to lose yourself in another person or not.


And your experiment sounds like you two were having a good time. :)

Posts: 904
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

That's the way I have been going with most situations since my move. I figured that over the course of the next few years that I have to spend here, those closest will notice something anyway. Professional situations are the biggest issue right now where I need to maintain without slipping, which I already have done a couple of times.

I like your suggestion though and see where I could drop the act in more situations than I already have in the interest of conserving energy for professional functions. 

Thank you for the advice.

Posts: 364
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

You need to know when it is necessary to do it and choose with who you do it if you don't want to exhaust yourself with 24/7 acting. Not everyone are into full blown empathy you can adjust how you emulate it and save some 'energy' for more appropriate situations. Personally I find that the best way to better myself was to actually stop acting alltogether and just be myself. It worked and in this day and age you'll just look like the wolf you are and people will love it.

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Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

Some have styles that change with the group or person they are with... it's almost like... a mirror...

Not me... of course.

Posts: 797
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

Kill yourself you stupid bitch.

Posts: 904
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

OMG Me too! Marry me! 

I've always wanted another emotionally distant someone who I could spend time with while we rotate between pointedly ignoring each other and arguing scientific theory. Imagine the joy of microwaving food together (because we both know we're too good for mundane tasks like cooking) and giving each other "wtf" looks when someone makes a statement about how "people only use 10% of their brains." It could be magical...


Posts: 360
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

I just wanna state for the record that I have made a discovery! I asked (someone, cant remember who) in chat if they were a sociopath and the entire way they spoke instantly changed! Then I was all like AHA I KNEW IT! (talking about the way they suddenly try to sound sooo much smarter and edgier or wtfevs) and brought it up to other people and THEY SEEN IT TOO!! GTFO you god damned dorks. Speaking as if one is writing a novel of great import does not a sociopath make! (that was fun) anyway, from now on, I will call people the fuck out on their retarded change of style, cricket and pach noticed it when i asked so they can help too! yay!! 

Posts: 250
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

I have been diagnosed with INTP.

Posts: 8
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

Consider this: Two people can communicate best, if they choose the biggest shared vocabulary. Language, using multiple languages, syntax, grammatical errors, spelling errors don't matter if you can communicate with that other person without effort by chosing the shared base. This could be chat slang, local dialects or different languages entirely.

If people talk to a broader audience, this amount of shared words shrinks and you have to fall back to a standard known to everyone. This is also true if you don't know the person you're talking to. 

Posts: 760
Who here thinks they're actually a sociopath?

I think it's obvious that I am not a sociopath. 

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