by Turncoat
"How is risk taking even something that ensures reproduction?"
Lets use male geek/nerd culture as an example. Many of them are without girlfriends (or boyfriends), but not all of them. What sets those who have them apart from those who don't, generally at least? Either mere luck, or they were willing to take risks to get someone. There's people out there for them, geek culture is actually pretty spread now among both genders, but many just won't take the risks. Even someone undesirable can be endearing, or even seen as brave for trying.
Willingness to take a risk is the backbone of much success, reproduction or otherwise. If they never try it's as bad as failing.
Haha, what? What fucking risks do nerds have to take to get a gf? The risk of getting run by a car or getting an asthma attack if they get outside? XD When I said psychopathic risk taking behavior that's not really what I had in mind TC...