I'm not sure what that is so I can't say
I'm going to be honest with you. A bunch of people on an online forum will not diagnose you correctly, if there is, indeed, a personality disorder present. The things you've listed have a plethora of different disorders related to them - and also, just daily life could cause any of these things. Your best bet for being diagnosed cleanly would be to go to a licensed psychologist for several visits, so that he or she may get a read on you, and then let you know and work with you for a course of action on how to get your life back on track.
All of that, as well as finding a second, maybe even third opinion from the field, all while doing independent research yourself that you can ask about during a session.
Many times, they will know a lot, but not understand a unique case (like my own). Without the research component and a reasonable amount of doubt, I'd probably be on either anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, or ADD medications depending on when in my life I'd have given in to their pill popping bullshit.
They can be a great resource, but can only go so far. Misdiagnosis is not rare in the field.