by malevo
I think these tests could help lead the person to do research and approach a specialist with the doubts.
They help? Yes. Are they accurate? I think some are, at least they hint you toward a direction. Are they necessary? Not really.
by Project2501
I guess online tests can give you a rough idea of we're you're heading and the only if you're being honest.
And this^
by anastacia
Just going to paste what I said in another thread:
These tests are nonsense. Anyone with half a brain can manipulate their answers in order to get the outcome they want. It's not genuine and by looking at these tests taken by "sociopaths" (whether actual or wish they were) we're believing the sociopaths themselves to give actual honest answers. Why would I believe anything anyone says online, least of all someone claiming to be a sociopath?
In our Computer era of vast accessible information I see no reason why a Sociopath couldn't do a test to determine whether s/he really is one. Neither of us have a label pinned on a buttock with a strict description of our features (at least I don't). What is more, a test for determination of Sociopathy is no different than any other test; anyone can do it with decent abilities of introspection and access to one's past. However, it would be wise to do a test that is used to determine other disorders as well (e.g. MMPI-2) because many traits tend to overlap. Lastly, such test should not be taken for granted and should only be used as a pointer for further inspection because some questions require a lot of analysis, e.g. your empathy levels or even habits of lying.
P.S. it is possible for a Sociopath to posses only some of the traits required for such diagnosis because it is a spectrum disorder and some people are in a wrong environment for misbehaving. It is also possible for a sane individual to score high on the pcl-r scale if s/he exhibits antisocial traits.