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Posts: 1286
The Enneagram Test

Your fan girl, with the floppy tits, and yourself are seemingly too fucking dense to see the joke :)

No I see the joke, it's you..

As for the reason people use ellipsis on forums... It's because it is a common short hand that was often used back in the days of the early internet and many people still use it today, it represents a pause meant to replicate a pause used for emphasis when speaking.

Now I understand how this might be too much for your little head to understand, but just take my word for it. ;)

Posts: 977
The Enneagram Test

I agree.

But I can't for the life of me figure out if this was intentionally atrocious or an attempt to prove a "point".

Intellect is not the extensive memorize of vague linguistic memorization

tl;dr waht???

Posts: 95
The Enneagram Test


by Daddy

Intellect is not the extensive memorize of vague linguistic memorization, or having the right dot in the right place. It's the ability to express yourself in the method you intended.

No its not, you fucking moron. Holy shit, I almost covered my screen with coffee hahahahahaha


Posts: 1286
The Enneagram Test


Posts: 1286
The Enneagram Test

Intellect is not the extensive memorize of vague linguistic memorization, or having the right dot in the right place. It's the ability to express yourself in the method you intended.

So wethr i rowt uot ervey ting lyke this or I wrote everything with perfect syntax, if you understood me then I have done my job. People often get so caught up in syntax that they forgot the purpose of language and instead of trying to understand the idea (and that is the purpose of language, to transfer my ideas into your head) that they dogmatise language. That they see its syntax as some holy issue that they should actually give a fuck about. That they use it as a vector of attack, when the fact of the matter is, they simply have nothing else to attack... You're just reaching for straws. ;)

Posts: 1286
The Enneagram Test

First, this is an online test, dumbass. Just how accurate do you think it is..

I think it's fairly accurate if the person answers them honestly, many of these online tests are grounded in psychology, perhaps you've never heard of the myers briggs typology inventory? It's used by many psychologists in their practice to get a baseline of their subjects before starting therapy. The enneagram is an inventory used by psychologists, politicians, sales professionals and others to tailor their selling points to the values of their "clients".

..And yeah, I'm the first to admit that I'm not as well read and as intellectually inclined as a lot of people I know. I'd choose to practice some random ass winter sport than read..

How humble of you to agree with me and validate everything I've said.

...That said, I don't consider the test accurate at all...

I wouldn't imagine the opinion of someone lacking an intellect would understand how it works. Poor thing...

...Ok Mr Freud, let's talk about my mom. She's a strong woman, good-looking, and I take more of my temper from her side...

All of those things fit the description of a female 8, like I said.

...Both my parents are good athlets, and strong personalities... ...power,
with a slight tilt in favor of my dad...

Again all of these things fall in line with my original analysis.

And yeah, I didn't have a bad childhood at all.

Again, validating my hypothesis.

My relationship with mum had ups and downs. I've always been independent and rebelious, especially as a kid and teen.

Common of someone reared as an 8 with an oedipus complex, That as you went through puberty this rebellion manifested out of your subconscious desire to fuck your mom, and take your fathers place and the frustration that created in you internally.

Also, I've always been attracted to dangerous sports and activities, and mum worried a lot, and still does to this day.

The attention seeking behavior common among narcissistic 8s... This received your mothers attention and was thus reinforced, and in many ways made you feel like your empowered father, whose place you sought to usurp.

What intellectual capacities do you think I have underdeveloped?

You've said it yourself, you have the capacity for intellect, with all your detective work. which means you have a capacity for it. But the enneagram doesn't measure intelligences, it measures the things you value in life, it measures what you think is important. To that end you never valued intellectuality which is unusually because it's one of the paths 8s take when under stress (this is how I knew you had a good childhood) stressed out 8's often go to their 5, the intellectual part of themselves.

My curiosity was why for some reason would you undervalue that side of yourself? You said it yourself you don't like to read, it shows an imbalance in your personality, an over compensation for some reason, which made me assume the things I did, which now seem even more accurate.

You have a fixation for your mother, therefore you tried to be more like your father... who you stated was also strong and athletic.


All trolling aside, This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, in fact you seem like a perfectly well functioning individual that modeled behavior after two strong parental figures. but from a psychoanalytical standpoint, it's an interesting observation. That being said, I'd seriously encourage you to take some courses online and or start reading more about things you find fascinating. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially if you're just using them to catch kicks to the head...


Posts: 5426
The Enneagram Test


Speaking of health, I also want to point out, since he thinks silly online tests are so telling, that my health is "very high" while his is only "above average" XD

Posts: 1286
The Enneagram Test

Thas perty muc wut i was goen fer.

Posts: 5426
The Enneagram Test


by Daddy

Why am I not surprised you're lacking in intellect? ;)

Classic jock.

And it's a shame too, you seem like you have the capacity for intellectual discourse but for some reason shunned it as you were developing in your younger years.  I'm guessing you had a good childhood... and your narcissism makes me think you were very close to your (I'm guessing very attractive, or at least very promiscuous 8 mother) which created a sort of Oedipus complex in your later years this may have turned your relationship into one of discord... so how's your relationship with you mom? I'm also guessing your mother might have been prone to being drawn in by other 8s which are centers of power, so you would have been influenced by another 8 to be strong and aggressive like them.

First, this is an online test, dumbass. Just how accurate do you think it is, I thought intellectual guys used good reliable sources to make up their mind about something. I actually went back to have another look at the test, and I could find only a few statements about intellectuality. And yeah, I did disagree with stuff like "I am more interested in intellectual pursuits than anything else." or "I find analytical living rewarding." I bet you ticked "very accurate" on the latter, which it's odd since you scored almost the same as I on aggressiveness, impulsivity, etc. Analytical living means you pretty much intellectually analyze all your actions and decisions, and I know I don't, so I didn't tick that.

And yeah, I'm the first to admit that I'm not as well read and as intellectually inclined as a lot of people I know. I'd choose to practice some random ass winter sport than read the new article on rocket science. That said, I don't consider the test accurate at all. I didn't shun my intellectual side in childhood, lmao, I liked school, did above average in math and sciences, and I've always been a very curious person. I think you've seen plenty of that side on me here when I was playing detective, and I consider myself more analytical than that test suggests.

Ok Mr Freud, let's talk about my mom. She's a strong woman, good-looking, and I take more of my temper from her side. Both my parents are good athlets, and strong personalities, and neither "dominated" the other, their marriage has been pretty balanced in power, with a slight tilt in favor of my dad. And yeah, I didn't have a bad childhood at all.

My relationship with mum had ups and downs. I've always been independent and rebelious, especially as a kid and teen. I often wouldn't listen to my parents, so of course my parents didn't like that. Also, I've always been attracted to dangerous sports and activities, and mum worried a lot, and still does to this day. I get her more now, and I go visit my parents as often I can. Things can still get a bit tense between us, both me and mom are very stubborn people, so, yeah. :D But in the end, no, I wouldn't say I have a bad relationship with her.

by Daddy

You obviously misunderstood me, I wasn't saying he wasn't smart, to the contrary, he's bright but he has underdeveloped his intellectual capacities. This was an observation based on the results of his test. It doesn't determine how smart he is, it determines where he places value and to that end he has learned to value his higher level traits intellect not among them. I found this unusual, because most well developed eights have a very pronounced five track, I was simply noting that he did not. This is indicative of a jock mentality that places little value in intellectual pursuits.

What intellectual capacities do you think I have underdeveloped? I'm sure I have a few, I just want to know what you value and think I'm lacking.

You do try to be intellectually pretentious around here, Jay. You do try to sound smartypants and all that, but a lot of your debates end with shit like this:

by Daddy

I don't have to take this kind of talk from you, get back in your cage dogface....


by Daddy

Stop... I'm not gonna be your boyfriend and I will never love you.

You'd be lucky to have the privilage of giving me a blowjob in a dark alley where no one would ever find out that I'd let such a lowly animal blow me...


by Daddy

Can you just stop thinking about how badly you want to fuck me for just one second? I'm not a piece of meat, I'm a human fucking being...

 And this is just from this thread. There are people here who haven't fogotten your troll-mousy days Jay, when half the shit you'd say was "suck my cock, kitten". You're not really making use of your intellect with those insults, are you...

by Daddy

Intellect is not the extensive memorize of vague linguistic memorization, or having the right dot in the right place. It's the ability to express yourself in the method you intended.

So wethr i rowt uot ervey ting lyke this or I wrote everything with perfect syntax, if you understood me then I have done my job. People often get so caught up in syntax that they forgot the purpose of language and instead of trying to understand the idea (and that is the purpose of language, to transfer my ideas into your head) that they dogmatise language. That they see its syntax as some holy issue that they should actually give a fuck about. That they use it as a vector of attack, when the fact of the matter is, they simply have nothing else to attack... You're just reaching for straws. ;)

 Also, your English isn't that great, and it's supposed to be your first language. It's kinda surprising if you read as much as you say you do. 

"Daddy in chat a bit earlier: and then i'll go into more detail about your Oedipus complex and your whore of a mother and how that has shaped you into the person you are."

Yeah, please do. You have a bigger fixation with mothers than I, pal. It's kinda interesting to hear what you have to say about my mom, since you're obviously projecting, and/or base your assumptions on your own experience since we do share a few things in common personality-wise. So please tell us more about your mommy issues. You're the one with the (telling) username "Daddy" after all, lmao.

Posts: 5426
The Enneagram Test


by Daddy

And I never claimed not to be narcissistic, infact I've stated that I was to degree... but this is true of all confident people... Edvard included.


But I am curious about the ideas that edvard has brought about that NOONE else has considered...

 Also, narcissism is narcissism, it's by definition something "exaggerated" and "unhealthy". It's not "confidence", it's a distorted perception of yourself. I don't get when people like you and Tony talk about "a healthy dose of narcissism", "narcissism in small doses/degrees", etc.

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