People usually bail from dangerous situations and leave their family behind. Only when they are safe and sound they realize that their loved ones are still in there and go back to help. It is because of the primal instincts.
Anyone could kill anyone if they would not be sentenced for that. Only in our current society human's life has a greater meaning and that is because of the system not because people got soft.
People cry when people die due to empathy, realization that life is temporary and a change in their usual routine. There probably are some other factors as well, but it does not take a Sociopath to be indifferent or tolerant about death. Everybody dies.
Windowsill, In order to find out whether or not you are a Sociopath you have to do much more than just a single test. Deepen your knowledge in psychology and analyze yourself in various stages of your life for the start. And remember that no one can get inside your head. Nevertheless, so far I doubt that you are a Sociopath but it would help if you'd share more about yourself. You can use the Hare's pcl-r checklist to determine what traits you should cover.