Okay so I really don't know what to say(type) but here are my basics.
So bassicly I have this autistic friend who(because of his autism) knows a whole lot about disorders and such especially those concerning emotions and empathy(like borderline or aspd). He suggest I was a sociopath and when I learned more about sociopaths I started to recognize my self in it more and more. Of course this is notting official or something and the definitions aren't even set in stone. Personally I would never want to be labeled. But that journey let me here via confessions of a sociopath. The most suprissing thing I found out is that most people apparently think different than I in regards to wright wrong etc. And that they are surprisingly willing to see good in everyone which makes lying easy, not that I do that a lot especially when not required.
Hopes this is better
I don't lei a lot either but I do do it sometimes just for fun or because it suits the moment, I was convinced everyone did this. I try to keep it to a minim do as to limit risk.
i view right and wrong primarily from a uliterarian point of view and believe in the needs of the many above the needs of the one. Thise shift sometimes if it is in grate conflict with my personnel interest but I generally live by them.
Hope this answers your question