why r u leaving all the dots behind ?
more interestingly why did u stop ?
the dots r like u crapping all over us u writing stuff is revealing ur self the moron every 1 knew u were in the 1st place
stick with the dots to keep the mystery
didn't get to finish this.
"at" dexter.
yes. you are a copy. sadly.
no. "Mirroring" is...how do I say? Outdated, and doesn't work. Why follow when you can lead?
Thankfully, I am not a (socio/psycho) - path. However, I do relate very closely w/ the mindset, if one can call it that. Honestly I am still figuring it out. I can relate very deeply to - well -- haha, is that a joke, something not even possible --how do you (n general, to the forum, "relate"....when you don't 'relate')???