Uh...can you please repeat the question?? I musta missed it, I'm just so dumb like that? ;)
sigh OK you won;t ask me directly what you want to know. I guess I could scroll back and look for it but even then I'd be wrong.
Cuz you folks aren't direct - wanna play riddles to confuse the new guy. No prob that's code for LOSERS.
If you do want to know something about me, that doesn't compromise my identity, please feel free to ask directly I have nothing to hide. And Thrill, I laugh because I thought you and I were communicating pretty honestly already. too bad.
by RichardParkersigh OK you won;t ask me directly what you want to know. I guess I could scroll back and look for it but even then I'd be wrong.
Cuz you folks aren't direct - wanna play riddles to confuse the new guy. No prob that's code for LOSERS.
If you do want to know something about me, that doesn't compromise my identity, please feel free to ask directly I have nothing to hide. And Thrill, I laugh because I thought you and I were communicating pretty honestly already. too bad.
you are not new you malnourished bag of shit...
please elaborate what you mean? All your sandcastles were destroyed yesterday it seemed by UKandle.
I've been called fat and now malnourished - lol > - both ad hominen attacks (Name calling) employed when people have nothing better to offer but can't admit they are out of their league and losing. t
Yaaaaawn - they have nothing to lose. --- streeeetch and siiiiigh!Tired now.
Whassup? Be real emily don't hide behind edvard. Tell me your probs -- too alpha for this site? LOL
by RichardParkerIf you do want to know something about me, that doesn't compromise my identity, please feel free to ask directly I have nothing to hide. And Thrill, I laugh because I thought you and I were communicating pretty honestly already. too bad.
Aww, are you upset with me now because I've been playing with you?
Communicating honestly doesn't mean we're bonding, lol. So, if that's what you thought was happening, you're shit out of luck.
More fool you if you think any verbal exchanges here actually mean something to me.
by CipherI second the knife part. Also, "Dr." Phil seemed to have made up his mind about M.E. before she even sat down. He was never going to take her serious.
At one point she said that not much is known about sociopaths because almost all testing has been done on prison inmates who could be classified as unsuccesful solely by being in prison. Phil just said something like 'yeah I didn't understand that' and he moved along.
Yes he did that too. I once saw an older clip of the Dr. Phil show on youtube, where he had a guest who was a professional user/manipulater/director who made extreme videos. When the introduction video finished, Phil said he was disgusted and kicked his guest off the show before saying anything. If I were in Emmy's shoes, I would want to correct Phil on the spot, however making Phil look faulty infront of his viewers would be very unwise, for the sake of the interview getting broadcasted. It's worth the money and success to let Phil's ego run for 20 minutes.
That's quite a fucking jam that I wont deny. I doesn't matter though how someone will cross you emotionally if your in Dr. Phils situation, there is something he is hiding about that topic that enabled him to go on the defensive immediately and pass logical thought which is completely obsered for someone in his position. You know it's really difficult to find something so pure that I can see why some people go under the rug and will start there own cult in hopes of killing as many people possible, which is almost filtering out the needed and uneeded.
If you listen through the whole episode, including the first half where he is interviewing the woman who kidnapped the child, it's clear that he's unable to be objective about either case. He thrives on sensationalism, and as the first lady suggests, it is largely about ratings. He can hardly be presented as "irrational" or "wrong", so he will bombard his target with as much ill-quoted information as possible.
With regards to M.E., I have a strong distaste for how she portrays herself, especially in this show (even more-so than in her book). The only valid point that I feel she makes, is about Sociopathy being based on prisoners as opposed to normal members of society. Other than that all she seems to be doing is taking traits that all people have, and blowing them out because she feels there is credit and attention to be claimed for being a "Sociopath". I think she is so far from a Sociopath that her behaviour in the excerpts from the show seem so forced and rehearsed. Even when on stage, none of her charm that she claims to have seems apparent to me. I think she saw an opportunity to project a "Pro-Socio" persona to the media, and she took it, consequently reinforcing the negative stigma that is already attached to Sociopathy.
But despite all that, Dr Phil is unable to entertain her notions for one minute, but instead just seems unsettled by his own lack of analysis, and tries to undermine and belittle her. For somebody in his position of "power", in terms of being a somewhat influential figure, I find that terribly infantile and harmful. I lost any and all respect for his show after this episode.