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Posts: 977

I've actually considered trying to find one but it doesn't seem worth the effort to try to search out one I like.

But I'm glad you like yours :)

Posts: 10218

"and the psychiatrist for relief."

If the prescription given is an ideal one, and tolerance/addiction never become a thing anyway. I've seen so many lives ruined by pills.

Posts: 605

It's better to pop a pill sometimes. Therapy is a hit or miss. Chemicals are always reliable, you can predict the outcome.

Posts: 1081

The minute you have a question ask it. Assess the response. Either you trust and connect or you dont. The sooner you find out how compatible you are you can focus on a doctor who helps you.

If you dont even feel comfortable to ask or say something, that may be a sign this is superficial. So find out if you can get past that.

Be as honest open transparent direct as possible. And you will either attract someone at that level or screen out anyone who isnt.

If this doctor has something to offer you, find and get to the point.

If you get distracted meditating and contemplating the doctor instead of yourself, how is this helping you. If it is related to why you get frustrated by others then find out where the connection is.


Posts: 102

I do it to make fun of people. It has gone so far that people ask if one guy I've been 'mirroring'/making fun of is my brother. I like to do it to make them think I care too it can get pretty funny.

Posts: 588

Zack - FFS! That would drive me nuts. It's so insulting. You should play with him before pointing it out. 

I've always found it hard to find a doc/therapist I connect with but when I have it does help.

I agree the prescription pad is too easy.  Meds. help for sure but recently I've been given things I'm having a hard time coming off of. I'm pissed about it. Have hardly slept for three weeks.    

Posts: 77

Thanks for all the responses. I quite like turncoats idea of making him know that I'm aware but I also like the idea of seeing how far I can take the mirroring. Yes Richardparker, it is very fucking annoying.

I know these sessions are for my benefit so I don't want to fuck it up but at the same time I like to keep things interesting. I can relate to House on this one - as long as it is interesting then I like it!

I shall report back after my next session this week!

Posts: 77

Had my second session yesterday and he did it again, so I started making unnatural movements until in my eyes it became pretty obvious. Needless to say he stopped after that but if he starts again I may have to say something.

The main thing that came out of the session was a question - do I want to change or am I content with who I am. As some of you may know the main reason for me attending the sessions was family saying i'm angry and quick to temper. Also I avoid certain social situations. Whilst my family (and me to a lesser extent) believed this was due to anxiety we have concluded are actually because I see no benefit to myself in these events. I get nothing out of it so why should I put myself through the small talk and general chat of an event/party/gathering, etc. We found that event which interested me and I got benefit out of resulted in no negative outcome at all.

I sat tonight asking myself the question do I actually want to change and if I did how can this man even attempt to do so. He was talking of CBT and the like. I'm still undecided how I wish to proceed but promised you all some insight after my next session so there you go!

Posts: 7645


by Zack

He was talking of CBT and the like. I'm still undecided how I wish to proceed but promised you all some insight after my next session so there you go!

Cock and Ball Torture?

I'll be interested to see how that works out for you.

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