Well I still like you Luna, even after you wanted to give Tony of all people more fuel for his narcissism. And that's saying something. :D
I told you from the start, expect assholeness and lack of gratitude from this community. Whether you want it or not, you're still seen as an authority figure by a bunch of control freaks and people with authority issues. That's where most of the issues stem from, imo. But I think some of the latest threads made it quite clear to you you're not really disliked by the big majority. So many posters took the time to explain themselves to you and try to chill you down.
Also, this community is a place for misfits, and every regular here enjoys something about it, since they keep coming back. So your work is certainly appreciated. Some seem to be spending all their spare time on here though, so I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing for their lives. XD