by hypercubeI appreciate being able to do what I want.
And I like that if someone thinks I'm being stupid, they can just call me out for being stupid, instead of a moderator saying I'm being bad and threatening me.
It's like some sort of internet anarchy.
Dear Hypercube: Your effective communication and points made with Wilful on TK's thread showed that you and TK understand the responsibility required for a "self-moderated" forum.
If all members do this, problems will take care of themselves. Thank you, TK Wilful RichardParker for your efforts.
PM will help in the future with "conflict resolution" and personal issues between members that don't belong in public.
As for me using my account to BUMP UP TOPIC THREADS if everyone did that, you won't see my avatars there.
If anyone sees NEW MEMBERS please ask them to post an Introduction or a Question post on a NEW THREAD.