Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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by hypercube

I appreciate being able to do what I want.

And I like that if someone thinks I'm being stupid, they can just call me out for being stupid, instead of a moderator saying I'm being bad and threatening me.

It's like some sort of internet anarchy.

Dear Hypercube: Your effective communication and points made with Wilful on TK's thread showed that you and TK understand the responsibility required for a "self-moderated" forum. 

If all members do this, problems will take care of themselves. Thank you, TK Wilful RichardParker for your efforts.

PM will help in the future with "conflict resolution" and personal issues between members that don't belong in public.

As for me using my account to BUMP UP TOPIC THREADS if everyone did that, you won't see my avatars there.

If anyone sees NEW MEMBERS please ask them to post an Introduction or a Question post on a NEW THREAD.

Posts: 13
To be or not to be - moderation


by Thrill Kill


by Turncoat

Rules don't only create boundaries, they influence how people post.

With no rules, people just post based on their interactions with others, and they can't hide behind website technicalities in discussions.

It's so annoying to see a discussion cut short from someone with mod powers being like "This is against the rules".

 I agree. I hate it when some fucking mod thinks they can tell us what we can and can't post because it might offend someone's sensitive bleeding heart.

 except when you ask for wilful and emily to be you think?

Posts: 10218
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"As for me using my account to BUMP UP TOPIC THREADS if everyone did that, you won't see my avatars there."

Are you threatening us to make bumps?

"If anyone sees NEW MEMBERS please ask them to post an Introduction or a Question post on a NEW THREAD."

Why? What if they don't want to make an introduction? Why should they be pressured to do things?

Posts: 7645
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You know what I don't like the most about you, emily. It's that you come into this forum acting like you own it. You're constantly telling people what they should be doing. You think you have all the best ideas and that we should all listen to you. I've seen you make a lot of references to members who you think did what you suggested, as if this validates your presence here.

You're constantly trying to organize things here because you think this forum needs you, but we don't. We don't need you at all.

This forum was fine before you arrived and it will be fine long after you leave. You are of no significance here.

Posts: 42
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Then why should ANYONE be banned then?

What is too much? If you cannot answer then you shouldnt ban shit

Posts: 1081
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by Thrill Kill

You know what I don't like the most about you, emily. It's that you come into this forum acting like you own it. You think you have all the best ideas and that we should all listen to you. I've seen you make a lot of references to members who you think did what you suggested, as if this validates your presence here.

You're constantly trying to organize things here because you think this forum needs you, but we don't. We don't need you at all.

This forum was fine before you arrived and it will be fine long after you leave. You are of no significance here, or at least, not as half as much as you think you are.


And all the people like you who show no respect whatsoever for the people LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE  for what goes on here, are more worried about "me who has ZERO say" and you keep projecting on me. When I have zero say.

Why do YOU keep projecting this on me? Thanks but no thanks. Given the fact you would look the other way when people did ILLEGAL THINGS on here I could NOT AFFORD to be in charge. I am just exercising free speech on here

sorry I come across wrong to you. I think the same control issues you have against rules or luna, you put it on me.

Posts: 7645
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If you don't like what happens here, then fuck off somewhere else. We don't need you telling us what we should or should not be doing.

Posts: 1081
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No, Turncoat. since you always have a point or content to your posts, then when you reply to good topic posts it would NOT be a BUMP because it would replace the need to BUMP.

And yes, with asking ppl to post, it is a hit and miss. With one person, it worked well, it was exactly what was needed: permission to post so the member did not fear stepping on any toes.

With another member, I may have imposed by asking. That's why if all members are on the lookout, if you "happen to connect" with someone then it will not be imposing to reply to their msgs.

Turncoat I believe new members deserve all this attention and energy, do you agree it is better directed there?

Posts: 1081
To be or not to be - moderation


by Thrill Kill

If you don't like what happens here, then fuck off somewhere else. We don't need you telling us what we should or should not be doing.

says she who spends several msgs trying to tell me what I should or should not be doing.

and even telling me what my intentions are since I had no idea I was trying to take over. thanks but no thanks.

it's bad enough staying up till 7 AM between jobs worrying some person is being trampled and extorted of money online, not knowing if he is even real or not; then volunteering to write up an indemnity agreement and ask the money to be returned to avoid any potential liability for extortion. And now have more accusations at me for serving no purpose here?

Posts: 588
To be or not to be - moderation

"it's bad enough staying up till 7 AM between jobs worrying some person is being trampled and extorted of money online, not knowing if he is even real or not; then volunteering to write up an indemnity agreement and ask the money to be returned to avoid any potential liability for extortion."

Why did you do that? Did Luna ask for your help with that situation?

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