Sigh and I never got a continuation of the inspiring reply here:
Sigh and I never got a continuation of the inspiring reply here:
My succulent mammarian beauty,
as fleeting, sneaky, shifty and cunning as I try to be, I simply can not fulfill all the desires you demand of me.
Though the attention you entertain yourself towards me with, has caught me with an affliction I can hardly resist.
Oh, pray for the mercurial abomination to visit you again.
Perhaps your wish shall lead to a response filled with a blasphemous gain.
Yours truthfully,
Venator of Verum.
It is the gist of pleasure to not obstruct that which you like, with the vengeful desire to strike back in order to protect yourself from feeling a yearning for a fearful future.
prescience is valuable, only when you let yourself go, from the desire to be alive for your own sake.
Please do not try to interpret any prophecy.
You will always be better off, living and manipulating it to your own choices.