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Posts: 161
The Demon

I thought the 'demon' might've been another name for a negative vibe inside you. I've always believed most humans have created 'angels' and 'demons' to represent some abstractions, such as 'good' and bad' (respectively). It helps them to understand things better. Nevertheless, this is just an idea I've always had. 

I feel I might have a 'strange' vibe. Most people can't be themselves and restrict their words when they're around me. Anyway, it doesn't affect me at all.


So, the demon thing made me curious and I thought you might've experienced the same thing in the past.

Posts: 161
The Demon

And who is that person??? if you don't mind me asking, 13Circe.


Well, I can be sometimes. That depends on the circumstances :)

Posts: 821
The Demon

I am sure it is just my imagination. :)

Posts: 178
The Demon

Do you guys think I was possessed?

Posts: 1892
The Demon

I know a young man who thinks about himself much the way you do, Demon.  He has even used the word "demon" to describe himself.  At first I tuned him out.  I don't believe in demons or any other superstitious crap like that.  It was through conversations with Spatial Mind and some research into many psychological disorders that I began to see the youngman may actually think he is a demon for good reason.  So I started asking questions.

The dude I am talking about had many signs seen in schizotypal personalities.  I mean, for all accounts and purposes he was a demon.  He didn't hide from friends or family, and he had this suspicion someone was trying to hunt him down for experimental testing.  I get the feeling you don't let too many people know your secret.  Is this true?  And if so, why?

Posts: 1892
The Demon

Why are you picking on the little demon?  You're not nice;-)

Posts: 3722
The Demon

Zodiac is an awesome film. Also LOL are a bitch and a half

Posts: 149
The Demon

The bible is a decent story. I think it is a good beginning to start asking questions about past civilizations. I don't take everything literal out of the bible. I do think beings beyond human comprehension walk amongst Gods prefered creatures and when the monkeys encounter one they come up with outlandish explanations. Angels and demons I believe to be the same type of being. Depending on where you sit is what you see when you meet one. Some people I know real well have refered to me as an angel. I smile.

Posts: 149
The Demon

No. Not many. Why tell humans who cannot understand?

Posts: 1892
The Demon

Because you are a fucking demon man!!  Tell the world to eat your dick... what can they do to a demon?

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