by wilfulWell shit thrill. What do you expect when you beat and kill them all. Just playing.
Well damn, now you're giving away all my secrets. I only do that after I've fucked them.
Don't laugh but there was a woman who had a medical disorder where she would get orgasms constantly.
I said not to laugh oh well.
how much of the climax is mentally stimulated by the foreplay leading up to it.
the building of anticipation and the gratification.
part of finding the right partner is getting in tune with the cycles and dancing together.
If you have multiple partners, that's more people to try to follow their patterns in harmony.
trying to get two to dance in sync is enough
by emilynghiemYes, and how much of THAT suffering lands on women. left behind to raise the kids while the men are in prison or killed in wars. who really pays for that.
sorry if I am biased. I am surrounded by men complaining about politics, while the women do the work trying to fix things. The men expect others to follow their lead. If they paid the cost of these problems, had to do the work themselves to pay the price, then maybe it would stop. As long as it is dumped on others, it keeps happening.
I don't care. It's not my problem.
I think this came up before where Caleb and I discussed the karma from matriarchies to patriarchies.
In the whole process I agree that men and women go through equally on a SPIRITUAL level.
But economically and politically, too much work that women do is not counted in the GNP.
so the system is not perfect, and the burdens to fix problems with given resources lands on women.
We can start a new thread if you like. But I thought we already resolved this on that other thread?
"And trust me, even if you had an amazing beautiful girlfriend you'd love, there will still be women you'll wanna have sex with."
LOL! - Thank you Shadow, for the sex advice. Don't worry I'm OK.
You mentioned you have a hard time picking up ladies -- you gotta do all the work??!
Fuuuuuck!!! You're doing something wrong, cuz I don't do much work at all. LOL
Dear Wilful
If you prefer to go with the model of the male trying to impregnate "as many mates as he can" to increase his offspring and/or dominance
that is certainly one path in nature.
For people who find someone special they want to keep a constant relationship with, including having children, then this greatest probability model no longer serves their purpose.
it depends on the people and their path in life
If you find the one person you want to focus all your time life and energy on
all these other considerations go out the window for that one person who makes you happy without all that