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He is very special to me. Always had been. 

Posts: 2337
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 Yeah. Short bus special, even. :D

Posts: 193
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 You're being very biased right here.


So do you have this opinion of yours only because of your experience (or whatever, I'd like you to elaborate on what's making a cheater skank/douche, be specific), or have you actually tried it a couple of times to know what you're talking about?

Posts: 588
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 "I take it you've been cheated on."
Please read all the words in my posts (perhaps twice) so we don't waste each other's time.

No, I have not been cheated on. As I said, I don't commit. And, just to be really fucking clear - I wouldn't cheat on another person.

If I happened to be committed, she'd have to be pretty fucking amazing in the first place so I doubt I would want another woman. BUT, if I did want to fuck someone else I'd end the relationship. 

I don't have the time or patience to sneak around covering up BS.

I have a lot of female friends and I've watched the emotional shit they go through when they're hurt. They don't bounce back like guys and I wouldn't want to be responsible for fucking someone over like that.

Better not to commit in the first place, although some chicks won't ever let up about that either LOL

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by RichardParker

 As I said, I don't commit.

 That's what you tell us, but I can read between the lines. You clearly have a lot of hostility towards people who cheat. No-one has that kind of hostility without a reason. So, either you're just a very moral person or you've been cheated on in the past. Which is it?

Posts: 262
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 it's totally biased, but most opinions are. i'm gonna pitch in here, not sure if he'll agree with me or not.

it is entirely possible to have a strong opinion about something that you haven't personally experienced. i have never been cheated on, nor have i ever cheated, one of my exes thought about it, i caught his ass before anything even happened and that was that. 

to me cheating has everything to do with lack of honor, decency, and respect. if you want to bang somebody else, say - excuse me - to the person you're with and go bang somebody else. the lying, pretending, painting over someone's eyes, all of that mess that comes with it is pathetic. if you are a real man, or a real woman, then own up to your desires and wishes and do what you want to do w/ some integrity. if i'm with somebody, but i meet somebody else that i'm really attracted to and i want to act on it, i break up with the person i'm with, i own up to my own shit, and i go for what i want. never in my life did i have to lie and be disrespectful to any of my partners, it's always a choice, and i chose better for them, i chose respect. 

Posts: 193
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 So you're an empath who just has the 'DON'T CHEAT IT'S WRONG' idea? That's how it sounds. If you cheat, do it the right way and don't get exposed.


And trust me, even if you had an amazing beautiful girlfriend you'd love, there will still be women you'll wanna have sex with.

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(to blah)

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The Moral explain everything 

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