Never at all? In your entire life?
P.S. Tess: I revised my last msg on your other thread that was too long to read. sorry. If that's no better I'll change it again. let me know either way. thanks.
by tesseractThis game is a trap because I have to say whether you guessed right and then I have to post something new.
Because someone else can post instead, while you can add at the bottom of your original post if it was fact or fiction without posting a new reply.
"I have published letters in the New York Times, Harvard Gazette, and U.S. News and World Report."
You're right. It's fact. I was actually interviewed by two journalists and a news reporter. I was interviewed by a news reporter years ago in relation to something that was happening in our neighborhood at the time. A few years later I was interviewed by a journalist from Associated Press and a couple of years after that, I was interviewed by another journalist who asked me questions related to myself and psychopathy.
by emilynghiem"I was interviewed for TV by a Fox news reporter with the same birthday as Obama"
I've eaten fried grasshoppers.
by Thrill KillYou're right. It's fact. I was actually interviewed by two journalists and a news reporter. I was interviewed by a news reporter years ago in relation to something that was happening in our neighborhood at the time. A few years later I was interviewed by a journalist from Associated Press and a couple of years after that, I was interviewed by another journalist who asked me questions related to myself and psychopathy.
by emilynghiem"I was interviewed for TV by a Fox news reporter with the same birthday as Obama"
I've eaten fried grasshoppers.
I'll guess fact, but it could be chocolate grasshoppers or fried crickets.
part fact: my buddy who interviewed me is with Fox but our birthday is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. So I had the same birthday as his, not Obama. trick question but most of it is true. tell me you wouldn't eat those Chinese cockroaches. I just dreamed my mom tried to serve me food with a grasshopper head in it. so maybe I was psychically picking up a vibe from you, ewww
It was fiction. I've never eaten grasshoppers, fried or covered in chocolate. I wouldn't mind trying them just for curiosities sake though. I'm willing to try just about anything once. Though, I'm not so sure about Chinese cockroaches.
When I was a little girl, my mother bought me a milkshake at a local cafe. After I had almost finished drinking it all, I discovered a dead cockroach in the bottom of the cup I had been drinking out of. It hasn't deterred me from buying a milkshake on the odd occasion, but drinking something with a cockroach in it is different to eating one.