I think good and bad or "evil" only exist in the mind. EVERYTHING is neutral but our minds make it a certain way.
I have what's called "ant theory" and it goes like this. If you kill an ant, not a big deal, no ones cares at all, even "religious people" tend to not care or care that much. But if you kill a person, you can go to jail for life. Imagine the difference in reaction people, maybe even yourselves included, might have to finding out xyz person killed an ant and xyz person killed a human being. It'd be night and day, as is obvious by life experience. However, what's the difference between the miracle it takes to create an ant and the miracle it takes to create a human being? None. So, lets say an alien species comes to Earth and comparatively, we are like ants to them, and they step on one of us, what's the difference? Is it a big deal? Maybe to us, but likely not to them. It's all in our mind. It's perspective. Now, do I think we were created to just senselessly kill things? Certainly not, but I think good and bad exist in the mind.
On that same note, I also believe we are not our minds or bodies, at our essence, and so "evil" comes when we attach ourselves solely to our thoughts and believe them to be who we are. Ever met a person who's mad? like at someone, like really mad? You almost can't reason with them because their mind is racing and it causes them to do irrational stuff. Now, have you ever met a "mad" person, someone who's "insane", it's the same state, racing thoughts, only all the time. Now, do these people ever create "good"? Usually not. So madness and evil exist in the mind, not only as a perspective but also as a functionality. If we can detach ourselves from our mind and observe our thoughts then we can realize that our thoughts are simply generated by our mind, which we are not our mind, and so we can realize that we don't have to be at the mercy of our mind or thoughts, our instead our mind can serve us instead of us serving our mind.