Hi Silkthread: Sorry to hear about your sister. She is blessed to have a sister like you. Normally I would offer to join in healing support for your whole family but the evil laughter that would burst out on this site, well... My friend's # who is gifted in that area is on links I've posted before, and got laughed off this forum and others.
As for your story, are you going for dark, realistic, or sick?
the kidnap/torture/rape guy in Ohio who killed himself doing autoerotic stuff in jail was sick, like criminally ill with an addiction he begged for help to stop.
the guy using his teaching/cult position to lure girls is a different kind of sick.
I had some storylines I was developing like
A. a powerful owner/editor of psychology journals/mags hires young interns and tests them to pick ones to hit on and has filled his legal dept with women competing for him so they cover his tracks. he hires a smart intern who studies SP and ends up falling for her. he has to fight his tendencies to try not to hurt her with his games because he really does respect her and can't resist her for the right reasons. she is aware and too smart to be manipulated so she plans to run and quit to get away from his lure, but he stops her. because he really does love her, she passes all his tests where he trusts her with his heart, and she knows how to work with him so they don't hurt each other. she can't resist him either.
B. TK and ??? set up technology that can record and simulate people's fantasies in their brains like playing back a favorite movie. so they can have sex with subjects to study this technology while the participants fantasize about whoever they really want to imagine having sex with. the subjects don't know they are being used for sex/rape/torture? but are paying to have this service sold to them as therapy to cover up the business really going on. it can have other twists like they claim they are taking the brain patterns of empaths and injecting these into pedophiles and sickos to cure them; but in reality they are taking all that money they are getting to cure criminals (from foundations and govt grants) and hiding underground sex games they are funding with that co opted money and fame as "saving the world from predators" when they are actually preying themselves.
C. A nun sets up an alternative prison in place of death row to prove that serial killers and rapists can be cured and serve lifetime restitution. so the movie/tv series is filled with real life stories of ex criminals going thruogh the program liek a reality show with the exorcisms or counseling/restitution work they sign up for. but one guy who gets in there disrupts the whole program by exposing the scandal that set it up. the federal govt cut a deal with the catholic church to keep the death penalty and "fake executions" while secretly sending the inmates underground where they can live out their lives "in secret" provided they don't leak this out to the public who still thinks they are being executed. so the wohle program is a cover. the nun is still running a legit program for rehab that works, but it is threatened by the real psychos playing games, using her as a front.
D. Schism: a pair of twins gets separated by the foster family and mental institution system after their dad is killed supposedly by the daughter. the lawyer/psychiatrist/social worker who try to reunite them fall in love with different personalities of the young woman. it turns out she is not the pscyho but an empath who is channeling her brother's demons. he killed their dad for sexually abusing her, but she took the blame to keep him out of the system. in order to reach him to be cured they have to work through her split personalities that are projections from him. the love triangle between the men is over which will be her real dominant personality after they merge. the exorcism to remove the man's demons almost kills the therapist trying to save him to save his sister he loves.
PS I will post those links anyway. People can laugh or scoff all they want, but my friend Olivia has helped save lives and families from all manner of suffering: # posted on http://www.spiritual-healing.us or # on http://www.houstonprogressive.org/nothanku.html
I wanted to propose a TV series on spiritual healing so people can see this is real.