I never claimed to be invulnerable to manipulation, i never claimed that she was different... she falls under the same rules as myself and everyone else...
I am aware of my defense mechanisms... i just like everyone have them.
Our perceptions (again) are shaped by these mechanisms, by these prejudges, by past experiences.
My prejudges comes from an understanding of human nature, intent, manipulative capacity etc... which indeed does affect my perception, it leaves me more cautious and less trusting than most. But I choose these perceptions countiously because theyve served me best.
I do not see myself in a holy manner, infact I have much more in common with the devil than jesus... (though he did make arguably the most prevailent and influential cults to date)
being aware of who and what I am does make me more perseptually evolved... I live in in reality, not the comforting delusion...