Killing can be controlled. With me leading the flock, I can guarantee it.
Kill, kill, kill...jesus ..cant you think of or do something that doesnt involve it?
When I speak of you being myopic, this is what I mean.
You are caught in an endless cycle of fantasy and boredom.
FFS..branch out and see the world .
Use some of your government handout and actually DO something with it, apart from eating, sleeping and shitting out murder facts and fiction.
Some tribes are self organizing. You just take the part you were meant for. That is IMO the best way and can only happen in smaller groups.
As a group grows larger, there is less need for people who are different because one person can serve the whole group no matter size.
That is why our society is so crap these days. People who were meant to serve the group with their special skills are suddenly becoming too many, and instead they become outsiders.