by Luna Prey
introspection is very important. i think it's unhealthy people are so interested in sharing useless information with eacother. it's sad that they need that attention so badly from eachother. they are slaves to it. i just want to understand things for what they truly are. you know, if everyone were to only worry about the direction of their own lives, and not the direction of humanity as a whole, don't you think we would miss things?
i prefer to take a top down point of view. observing humanity as if it is an animal. a bacteria even. not to imply that each life is worthless, but rather to notice how very animal we are. how very basic most of us are with our desires and goals, and making calculations to achieve them.
perhaps i am crazy, but when i look around me at society, i think it's they who are crazy. i seriously went with my mom to a local grocery store, and it was spooky. this isn't to imply that i fear people or anything. i'm relaly good with people. it's just spooky how fake they all act. like they truely live within a narrow set of social rules that very highly dictates their lives. true products of decades and decades of looking at the television set. true products of the social vlaues of their time.
it's as if they aren't even alive. as if that person inside of them that should be questioning things and trying to figure things out-- has given up. people call it being "deep", but i'd argue that "deep" is a much more enlightened way of looking at things.
You seem to miss insight in how different sort of people work together to form a society.
You make it seem like you want everybody to think in the enlightened manner that you apparently think in and that most people are just ordinairy and dull.
That is a great misinterpretation and undervaluation and that sort of thinking does not help society at all. Visionaries like you should understand, not judge.
Do you not follow certain social rules and values you seem fitting for your lifestyle?
Are you not a product of your enviroment? Get off your high horse Luna.