You are one of the few people here whom I actually enjoy reading posts from.
??? not sure on this distinction labeling empaths vs sociopaths
the key factor i've found in spiritual maturity is degrees of forgiveness
are you saying empaths are on a higher level of forgiveness than sociopaths?
i've found objective ppl who can let go and emotional ppl who couldn't forgive
so it depends on the person, doesn't it, not on their label?
how universally a person forgives adverse conditions or conflicts we all face, not whether we respond to them as empaths or sociopaths
but whether we look at things through the lens of unforgiveness, or through the eyes of forgiveness, regardless which ways our brains are wired
are you saying forgiveness could rewire sociopath brains to be more empathetic
i thought they would remain the same but the spirit of how people interpret or act on the data would change, the same biases or filters would remain, right?
any studies on forgiveness transforming ppl that much? curious on this!
since forgiveness does not change objective minded atheists into theists, i figured it wouldn't necessarily change objective minded sp into empaths.