So ask me anything about me and I will answer honestly.
Of course.. you cannot know what is honest and not but you will still get a reply.
I have been in a few potetially life threatening situations (almost gotten run over by a train, getting lost in nowhere in 0F with just a tiny flashlight).
Those situations and similar should have been scary but they weren't the slightest.
I was much more freaked out when my old computer started messing up and I lost several files I wanted to save. At the end I managed to save a large number, but not all. These days I back up a lot more than every third week which I did back then.
I also got scared after fact when it came out my friend accidentally had almost burned my house down.
From this I think I can conclude I am far more afraid off loss of data and property than loss of my own life. I guess it is because we die anyway, eventually. Or I'm just not programmed to be scared in those situations.