by Daddyvegilanty
= a vegetarian vigilante
1. I would be very confused how it happened and I would question if I was dreaming or being insane. Then I would wonder how I could still pass as being "me", I assume my whole body structure had changed.
2. They can end their own life. If they are physically unable and that happened of a sudden I would not take their demand seriously, not for a good while at least.
3. I would give them a discount for being a friend.
4. I don't have a family of my own. But it kind of doesn't matter because I don't have any money and I cannot come up with any anyway. I assume I would then contact the police afterall, that being better than doing nothing. Or so I hope.
5. I would sneak up and stab the guy in the back.
6. I would suggest to divide the island into three parts, my part, Demon's part and a neutral zone for cooperation.