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Posts: 492
I am appalled that the author is not good looking


by FatherLucifer

 Thus I said too much of a life.

 Okie :-)

Posts: 7645
I am appalled that the author is not good looking


by Buttered Toast

I think Thrill Kill may have her/his title in jeopardy.

 And what might my title be? Do tell.

Posts: 3110
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

 It wasnt credit he was giving you , it was simply a means of making you drop your guard briefly, which of course you did, didnt you ?.

Told you he was sneaky, like a buttered weasel with rubber pants. ;-)

Posts: 492
I am appalled that the author is not good looking


by Lycan

 Dear Ms Kovalinsky.


Please stamp your little feet a bit harder, I am enjoying watching your breasts jiggle.


In any case, the piece is not petty

I think it is. I believe you are suffering from "cunt envy"


Incidentally, my favorite NYC editor and a professor colleague of mine both emailed me in praise of the piece. They loved it.

I think they would have thought a lot less of it if you hadnt fellated the both of them ;-) 


Fear not though madam, your impeccable writing/sucking prowess has obviously paid well, and being financially independant means you can blurt any shit you wish, wherever you wish. 

You paid for the book though, didnt you .....




 No,  the book was a gift.  

Posts: 492
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

 Who is a meth addict? 

Posts: 3722
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

 coke then?

Posts: 1953
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

It's rude to bring up coke.  Unless you got some.

Posts: 3722
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

unforunately not right now, but i have something better 

Posts: 492
I am appalled that the author is not good looking


by thesugargirl

 coke then?


Posts: 1953
I am appalled that the author is not good looking

 Let me know if your holding

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