1. Whats the worst thing you've ever done?
2. Have you ever committed a serious crime that either did or could have sent you to prison? If yes, what crime did you do?
3. Did you have a happy childhood?
4. What is your earliest childhood memory?
5. What do you think you'll be doing in 20 years from now?
6. Do you believe you have a purpose in life?
7. What do you do in your spare time?
8. Are you working? If yes, what do you do for a living?
9. If there was a magic spell you could use only once after you die the first time, that gave you the power to return to life as anything you want to be, what would you choose to be?
10. If you could visualize evil, how would you describe it?
If you have a question of your own that you would like everyone to answer, remember to add it to your post.