Okay Luna... go find a soul... Best of luck.
I like the idea but you might want a geneticist as an advisor to make sure the experimental design is reliable.___ How would you make sure the 2 mother ants get fertilized with the same sperm cell? I'm not sure if sperm cloning tech has been fully developed yet. First you'd have to isolate an individual sperm cell from its millions of brothers in the cum shot, then clone it. I don't know if this has been done before, but great idea with potential to mix genetics with neuroscience & philosophy (the will) .___ The other option would be to just compare the 2 mother clones instead, and this seems like a big shortcut, but again i'm not sure if we could currently ensure their environments are 100% identical from the beginning of formation. Even the process of being cloned may cause them to start life with slightly different environments since their early cells will be battling it out in the test tube pushing for space/ nutrients in microscopically different ways. And any environmental differences could lead to their epigenetics causing differences in the birth of their antlings.
by Daddyemotions stem from an area of the limbic system refered to as the reptilian brain...which regulates evolutionarily developed fight or flight responces. this is where emotion comes from. and emotion drives personality. this biological being evolved because natural selection decided it needed a way to deal with predators... idiot...
They say the Cerebral cortex (frontal lobes) handle all emotions except all experiences that leads to anger. The Triune ( Reptilllian complex, center part) handles that, along with other primal instincts. Don't be too impulsive now.